Just Married! (Oggy and the Cockroaches)

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Just Married!
Behold: the episode where Oggy and Jack are tortured to the point where the poodle divorces Jack.
Series: "Oggy and the Cockroaches"
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 10
Director: Olivier Jean-Marie
Previous episode: Santa Oggy
Next episode: Living Carrots

"Just Married" is the 10th episode of Season 3 of Oggy and the Cockroaches.


Jack is getting married; he chooses Oggy as his best man. Even though they haven’t been invited, the cockroaches are of course attending the party! Jack gives an anti-cockroaches detector to Oggy to help him get rid of those damn insects...

Why It Made Bride and Groom Divorce

  1. Just like "Roommate Wanted", it has a couple of 18+ references. (see WISBM#5 and 6)
  2. Oggy and Jack are tortured until the poodle divorces the latter (Jack).
    • In other word, this episode is a horrible torture episode for Jack and especially Oggy, as the roaches always make him screwing up everything to the point that the father bride want to beat him up, and if it wasn't for Jack, then Oggy might had been badly beaten up.
  3. The cockroaches are extremely unlikable here, as they pester both cats to excess, and Dee Dee even ruined Jack marriage in the end (more details will be explained below).
    • The poodle is also unlikable to an extent, but not as much as the roaches, especially that she know that Jack wasn't really the fault of what happened but rather the roaches.
  4. Jack should have paid money for the damage for destroying the bathroom hotel due to the roaches (albeit he may have paid for it offscreen after the episode ended).
  5. The infamous scene where Jack strips. Even though it's not that disturbing, it can make you wonder which demographics the show appealed to, as it is extremely innapropriate for a kid show, even by Oggy standards.
  6. It surpasses the unlikability of every other episode and it's supposedly the reason why Season 3 ended prematurely.
  7. Misleading Title: Jack and the Poodle are not married in this episode whatsoever, although Oggy got married in "Oggy is Getting Married", which is surprisingly better than this.
  8. Catastrophic Ending: After a misunderstanding in which Jack, Oggy, and the roaches were all together in a bathtub making It look like an orgy, Dee Dee kisses Jack in front of the poodle, already bride, making her run away and her dad K.O's Jack. Then Oggy brushes Jack as the episode ends.
  9. This episode feels like an approved prolific rather than a legit OATC episode.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Oggy, Jack, and the poodle's mother are likable characters.
  2. Great title card.
  3. A few funny moments here and there. The scene in which Oggy cries and asks Jack for tissue and Oggy spills rice to the poodle are examples of this.
  4. Awesome animation and soundtrack as usual.
  5. The episode would be decent if there wasn't the part that begins from when Jack strips or if the roaches were not as unlikable.
    • Also the scene on its own it's highly detailed and well-animated, It could have just been a way to show off the new animation style.
  6. Since the plot came right back to the start point, It doesn't affect the series's timeline and you can pretend it never happened, even though it make the episode a filler.
  7. The concept of marriage for an Oggy episode was not a bad idea and this concept is revisited in "Oggy is Getting Married!", which was much better than this episode and had an actual marriage, and the torture was toned down in that episode too.

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