Legs (Teen Titans Go!)

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Legs (Teen Titans Go!)
Who calls you "Lady Legasus" anyway?
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 37
Air Date: January 15, 2014
Writer: John Loy
Director: Luke Cormican
Previous episode: Nose Mouth
Next episode: Breakfast Cheese

Legs is the thirty-seventh episode of Teen Titans Go!.


After the Titans take away her cloak as a joke, Raven finds it fun to use her legs. Meanwhile, Cyborg becomes dark and broody after Raven's cloak gets stuck on his head.

Why It Has No Legs

  1. The episode's premise relies solely on Raven's legs. The premise also makes it look more like crurophilia (or a leg fetish) fanfiction rather than an actual episode.
  2. For most of the episode, the Titans, especially Beast Boy, are shown focusing on worshipping Raven's legs, which is very inappropriate for a TV-PG-rated cartoon.
    • What worse is that Raven is a teenager, a minor. Which this clearly takes ephebophilia as a joke. No, seriously.
      • What makes this even creepier (though unintentionally) is that in this show the Titans' body proportions look more like that of young children than teenagers.
  3. Despite RQ#3, Raven's surname, Lady Legasus, is a very laughable name. Her move sets are also very inappropriate as her legs in a scissor way to catch one of the H.I.V.E. members.
  4. A pointless running gag of Raven kicking Robin in the face.
  5. The subplot of Raven's cloak that can change the Titans' personalities to be as dark and broody as Raven herself is ridiculously idiotic. For instance, when the cloak gets stuck on Cyborg’s head, he adopts all of all Raven’s personality traits and floats as well, making this a useless plot element.
  6. At the beginning of the episode, the Titans annoy Raven by forcing her to dance to music when she doesn't want to, with Robin going so far as to peep into the cloak when Raven hides inside it, which is an intrusion of her privacy.
    • Speaking of intruding Raven's privacy, in one scene Robin sneaks in into the bathroom to steal Raven's cloak while she's in the shower without her even noticing.
  7. Sexual innuendo: Beast Boy transforms into a rabbit upon seeing Raven’s legs. Not only is it a hidden dirty joke which resembles going into heat, it also promotes bestiality. In a kids show, no less!
  8. Inappropriate Ending: Beast Boy morphs into a dog and howls in the twilight when Raven exposes her leg from her cloak while she smirks at him, all because Beast Boy started crying when Raven decided to hide her legs with her cloak.
  9. Its sequel, "Leg Day," is no better.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Although Robin looked under Raven's cloak, he did deserve to get kicked in the face 3 times.
  2. Some funny moments.
  3. Creative and funny name, as Legasus is a portmanteau of "leg" and "pegasus" (which is a reference to Pretty Pretty Pegasus cartoon in this series).
  4. Despite being crurophilia or a minor, Raven looks okay when she's dancing, but that's not saying anything else beside that.



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