Les P'tits Diables (comic series)

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Les P'tits Diables
Here is for you the French equivalent of Dork Diaries with sexism and an ugly art style on top of that.
Book Type: Comic
Published: 2004 - present
Author(s): Olivier Dutto
Publisher: Soleil Editions
Pages: 48

Les P'tits Diables is a series of French comics created by Olivier Dutto in 2002 and published by Éditions Soleil since 2004.


Tom and Nina engage in typical brother-sister warfare, much to the dismay of their parents and their house cat, Grippy.

Why It Sucks

  1. The biggest problem with the book is that it's filled with badly written petty and hateful characters that you're supposed to love.
    1. Tom although sympathetic is written as a huge Butt-Monkey and especially Dutto's punching bag as if he hated him and wanted to vent his hatred and unfairly vent on him.
      • The worst thing is that despite this he is hardly sympathetic due to the fact that he acts foolishly multiple times and therefore he falls into his sister's traps multiple times which just becomes annoying over time.
    2. Nina is literally a horrible sister and the worst character in the franchise if not one of the worst characters of all time, she enjoys punishing her own brother by manipulating him and never receives a reward for her horrible actions making they one of the worst examples of Karma Houdini ever.
      • Literally she is writing a book on how to punish her brother and intends to publish it, which is even more despicable.
        • And it doesn't help the fact that she had her brother more than 1000 times.
      • The worst part is that she goes so far as to incite her friends or even the reader (since it's a children's comic) to have her own brother punished.
      • In addition to being a Karma Houdini she is also a Mary Sue because she writes as "well educated", she does her homework, showers every day, tidies up her room, helps her parents, something that Tom does not do .
      • She is literally sexist and misandrist because she thinks that girls are superior to boys when she is only 8 years old.
    3. Chloé, the mother of the children is literally one of the worst mothers of families who educates her children extremely badly.
      • The worst thing is that she treats her daughter more kindly than her son and rewards her for free where her husband treats her son more kindly than his daughter.
  2. The character art style is just awful, it tries too hard to be cartoonish but largely fails due to the character builds and their mouths which sometimes take up half of their face when they smile.
  3. The book can literally be considered a Invader Zim rip-off as Tom (Fred) tries to prove to the world that his sister Nina (Zim) is an alien looking to invade the world.
  4. It teaches catastrophic life lessons and encourages children to hate and punish themselves while this book is I remember it for children.
  5. There are literally inappropriate moments in a children's book such as insults like "bast*rd" or even a scene where we see Tom naked.
  6. The book never knew how to improve from beginning to end and therefore where the first volumes are very mediocre, the last ones are just bad and not funny.
  7. The humor is made up of toilet jokes and wanton pettiness but it's so poorly executed it just gets boring.
    • The majority of gags are often identical such as:
      • Nina trapping her brother for his interests.
      • Nina's despicable lessons to have her brother punished.
      • Tom being tricked by his sister into taking a shower
      • Grippy who tries to stuff himself despite his masters who want to see him lose his weight.
  8. It spawned a cartoon that is even worse than the book and was M6's cash cow for 11 years.
  9. Quantity over Quality: Despite its flaws, the book so far contains 34 volumes of over 1,000 gags and no sign of an end currently showing the author is blind to criticism.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The first 2 volumes can be considered as still decent unlike the volumes that follow.
  2. The artstyle, although ugly, is at least a little original, and it has improved a little from volume 7.
  3. There are some nice characters like Tom (sometimes), Grippy or Kafard.