Lifeguard Meg (Family Guy)

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Lifeguard Meg
Why make an episode about Meg being a lifeguard if she went through CPR, and then make it about an incest joke?
Series: Family Guy
Part of Season: 22
Episode Number: 13 (422)
Air Date: March 27, 2024
Writer: Patrick Meighan
Director: Julius Wu
Previous episode: Take This Job and Love It
Next episode: Fat Actor

Lifeguard Meg is the 13th episode of the twenty-second season of Family Guy. It's the 422nd episode overall.

Why This Episode Does Not Need CPR

  1. First of all, the plot halfway through the episode is about Peter and Meg KISSING each other, despite Meg doing CPR on Peter. Not to mention it is incest.
  2. Most of the characters are unlikable, as they all accuse Peter of "kissing" his daughter, even though it is clear that Meg was saving his life!
    1. Lois is also unlikable, as she was also thinking that Peter and Meg "kissed", even though she alongside the whole Griffin Family learned CPR before in “The Cleveland-Loretta-Quagmire”, which is a huge continuity error! Not to mention she did nothing to save Stewie's life in the beginning, and it's hinted several times that she is cheating on Peter, again.
    2. Peter is no better, as he keeps breaking the pool rules and annoying Meg. And at the beginning, he only cared more about his stuff than Stewie.
  3. There are some plot holes.
  4. Horrible animation from Digital eMation, as usual, also there are some animation errors at times.
  5. The side plot with Stewie and Brian is uninteresting.
    1. The original owner of the coffee shop being "cancelled" because he didn't use all caps when he tweeted about Abbott Elementary being hilarious, making it offensive to the social media douchebags hanging around the shop is Disproportionate.
    2. Later on, Stewie and Brian are cancelled because the Latter kept messaging AOC on social media.
  6. Barely anyone gets any consequence for what they've caused.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Meg is still likable, since she saved Stewie's life at the beginning, before Peter's (even though it caused the Meg and Peter "kissing" segment). She also stood up to Peter about how they said they would do better and yet nothing would ever change due to the Status Quo.
    • Stewie, Brian, and Chris are also tolerable. And this is one of the times Brian isn't flanderized like he usually is.
  2. The plotline with Meg being a lifeguard had potential, but was ultimately destroyed by the CPR segment.
  3. Peter gets some karma as he gets knocked out twice, before getting saved by Meg and Stewie.
  4. Peter proves his fatherly love to Meg by saying he loves her in sign language, having Meg forgive him.
  5. The episode wasn't that bad before it got into Meg doing CPR on Peter.


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