Little Baby's Ice Cream commercials

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The Little Baby's Ice Cream commercials were a series commercials based in United States, Philadelphia, the commercials feature a series of surrealness occuring while the narrator exclaims his thoughs on the ice cream.

Why It's Not a Special Time

  1. These commercials are downright disturbing, even for an Ice Cream company, as many of the commercials contain extremely horrific imagery, examples include the Ice Cream humanoid in the "special time" commercial, where he eats his head like a sadist while looking at the camera, and one where a group of women's eyes are replaced with mouths, which look disgusting to look at.
  2. Terrible direction from Doug Garth Williams, not helping is that he also made infamous commercials for other products such as Two Horses and Ooh Laa Laa Records, which got their reputation destroyed thanks to him.
  3. Like other commercials from him, it has literally nothing to do with ice cream at all, nor does it show the parlor's ice cream, not even Sony was that misleading with their PlayStation 3 commercials in the mid 2000s!
  4. It gave Little Baby's Ice Cream an extremely bad reputation, and was why it was closed down in late 2019, thus ending the parlor in a horrible way.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Surprisingly good visual effects for the commercials.
  2. The narration is good.


The commercials were heavily panned by critics and audiences and were considered to be the worst commercials ever made due to their disturbing imagery.

While not confirmed, the parlor was closed down in late 2019, more likely due to the commercials' negative feedback, and thus, gave the company a horrible reputation why the director was condemned by everyone for his disturbing imagery in his commercials.


  • The commercials were so scary that Junji Ito, a horror mangeka, called it's atmosphere extremely horrifying.




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