Long John Peter (Family Guy)

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Long John Peter
Not a good way to wrap up season 6
Series: Family Guy
Part of Season: 6
Episode Number: 12
Air Date: May 4, 2008
Writer: Wellesley Wild
Director: Dominic Polcino
Previous episode: The Former Life of Brian
Next episode: Love, Blactually

Long John Peter is the twelfth episode of the sixth season of Family Guy.


While taking Brian to the vet, Chris falls in love with a worker named Anna, meanwhile, Peter Griffin starts acting like a pirate after stealing a parrot.

Bad Qualities

  1. The episode is very misleading, it makes you think that the episode will be about Peter Griffin acting like a pirate, but that only happens during the first half and it instead focuses on Chris and Anna's relationship.
  2. Peter Griffin is unlikable on this episode since he steals a parrot from the vet, has Joe crying as his ringtone, and tells Chris to treat Anna unfairly.
  3. Chris is also kind of unlikable on this episode since he calls Joe a two-wheeled monster, treats Anna like dirt in one scene just because Peter told him to, and later hits Brian with a chair.
  4. Quagmire and Cleveland are also unlikable since they don’t sympathize with Joe after Chris insulted him.
  5. Chris and Anna's relationship seems forced and uninteresting.
  6. The infamous long scene where Peter tries to throw a dead frog out of Chris's room and out the window.
  7. This episode contains some Brian abuse such as Chris making him puke by pulling up Meg's shirt and later hitting Brian in the face with a chair, even though he did nothing to deserve it.
  8. Some gross jokes such as Brian eating a diaper which causes him to go to the vet and the parrot's death.
  9. Bad moral: Peter tells Chris if he wants to hang out with Anna, don’t treat her nicely and treat her like crap.
  10. Half-bad ending: Brian becomes severely injured after getting hit by a chair from Chris and doesn’t get any help but gets kicked by Stewie for no reason.
  11. Overall, this episode was not a good way to end season 6.

Good Qualities

  1. Lois, Brian, Meg, Stewie, Joe, and Anna are likable.
  2. A few funny moments such as Peter replacing the parrot he stole with a Scottish terrier and putting a mustache and top hat on it and Stewie as Chris's blind-date.
  3. The first half with Peter acting like a pirate was actually pretty cool.
  4. Lois does scold Peter for having Chris mistreat Anna.
  5. Half-good ending: Chris apologizes to Anna and they get back together.


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