Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting

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Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting
Mega Man 3? Whatever happened to Mega Man 2 on DOS?
Protagonist(s): Mega Man
Genre(s): Action
Platform(s): MS-DOS
Release Date: 1992
Developer(s): Rozner Labs
Publisher(s): Hi Tech Expressions
Country: United States
Predecessor: Mega Man (1990)

Mega Man 3 is a platformer game developed by Rozner Labs and released in 1992 by Hi-Tech Expressions and Capcom for MS-DOS. It is not a port of the NES game but is an original game. Capcom had no involvement in this game's development.

Why It'll Make Anyone Revolt

  1. It shares all the same problems as the first Mega Man on DOS, although one was thankfully fixed (see RQ#2). This is like Rozner Labs actually didn't learned the mistakes they did in the first Mega Man game on DOS, so they decided to repeat these problems.
  2. Ugly graphics, even in CGA graphics mode. They look like they want to be actually worse than the first Mega Man game on DOS, and look like poor man's graphics from Monkey's Adventures.
  3. Bad controls, especially if you are playing on the keyboard, rather than the joystick. You can struggle easily with playing the game if you are playing the game on the keyboard instead of a joystick.
  4. The bosses are just poor sprite edits of bosses from the NES games, the one exception being an "original" design made just to justify using the same boxart as the NES game.
  5. Stages are huge mazes with no directions to where to go, which makes the difficulty pretty high, similiar to Doraemon on the Famicom.
  6. Despite the number of stages, they all reuse the same themes over and over. Almost all stages are either water-themed or oil-themed (sometimes both).
  7. The boxart is misleading: Despite having a machine vaguely resembling Spark Man, he is not in the game. The robot could be Bit Man though.
  8. This was the first Mega Man game in which Mega Man could not shoot through walls, a feature not seen again until Mega Man X5 was made.
  9. Even though it shows Mega Man changing color when he first obtains a weapon, Mega Man does not change color in-game when he equips a weapon, which is just pretty weird, like if Rozner Labs actually forgot to change the colors.
  10. For some strange reason, the game is called Mega Man 3, not Mega Man 2, and it was released after the first Mega Man game on DOS, which is just weird, as there's no Mega Man 2 on DOS, and the developers jumped straight to 3.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The special weapons can be so bad, they're good.
  2. The game has more Robot Masters than the first Mega Man DOS game, while the first DOS game had three Robot Masters, this one has six, which is the same amount of Robot Masters that are in the original NES Mega Man.
  3. Unlike the first game, this game allows players to use a joystick to control Mega Man instead of a keyboard.
  4. This game introduced the ability to swim whitout using rush in the franchise, which is not common in a Mega Man game. Swimming was not seen again until Mega Man 8 during Aqua Man stage.


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