Molang is a French/British/South Korean animated children's television series created by the animation studios Millimages. The titular character, Molang, was designed by the Korean illustrator Hye-Ji Yoon, on the platform KakaoTalk. The series first aired on Canal+ France in November 2, 2015. Since then, 4 seasons, 9 TV specials and a music album have been produced and are widely broadcast. The first season is available since July 2019 on Netflix Worldwide. In February 2020, Millimages has announced the development of Season 5 (52 episodes x 5 min). As of 2020, Molang's TV exposure extends to more than 190 countries and has become a cross-media franchise: TV series, merchandising, publishing, music album, GIFs, digital series, stickers etc.
Molang | ||||||||||||||||||
"The Happiness Property"
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The series features the "offbeat friendship" between main characters Molang and Piu Piu as they humorously confront everyday problems.
Why It's The Happiness Property
- Catchy theme song. Watch it here.
- Great soundtrack & music score.
- A lot of funny episodes in there, such as "The Pumpkin", "The Forest", "The Soccer Match" and other episodes.
- Good, likable and memorable characters, such as Molang, Piu Piu and the other characters.
- Wonderful pilot.
- Cool voice acting like Minions. Such as Ko te ta ta ki! and Masimo!.
- Cute, colorful and beautiful backgrounds.
- Amazing music.
- Piu Piu! *giggles* Molang! La la la, la la la la. La la la la la la, la la la la!
- These episodes are avaliable to watch on the DisneyNOW website.
- The other characters are adorable.
- They teaches some good adventures and lessons such as:
- Learn your lesson
- Slide
- Face your fears
- Sharing
- Take turns
- Their personalities might resemble as Whisker Haven characters.
- Fun and incredibly beautiful animation that looks like Keroppi and Friends.
Bad Qualities
- Some poorly made videos & episodes like Shuuuuush! and Stay safe from the COVID 19
- The ghost can be unlikeable sometimes.
- Molang's language can be difficult sometimes.
The show received positive reviews. On its IMDb page, the show currently has a 8.4/10.
Google gave the show 95%, with a user rating.
- Molang uses "My Best Friend" as a universal signature for all worldwide licensees, on all packagings. It now represents two master toy licensees (Tomy & Jazwares), over 100 licensees worldwide, and more than 700 different products, including kids and adults apparels, children's books and magazines, stationery, magnets, stickers, underwear, sleepwear, etc.
- Disney shows
- Disney Junior shows
- Flash animated shows
- Shows for everyone
- Animation
- Cartoons
- French shows
- South Korean shows
- 2010s programs
- Preschool shows
- Niche audience shows
- Self-aware shows
- Foreign programs
- Shows with good morals
- Underrated shows
- Important shows
- Comedy shows
- Cartoonito shows
- On-going shows
- 2020s programs
- Shows in streaming services
- Canal+ shows
- Good media
- Good shows