Mortal Kombat 3 (Game Gear/Master System)

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Mortal Kombat 3 (Game Gear/Master System)
Get over here you porting fatalities!
Genre(s): Fighting
Platform(s): Game Gear
Master System
Release Date: 1995
Developer(s): Software Creations (Game Gear)
Tectoy (Master System)
Publisher(s): Acclaim Entertainment (Game Gear)
Tectoy (Master System)
Country: United Kingdom
Predecessor: Mortal Kombat II
Successor: Mortal Kombat 4

Mortal Kombat 3 is a fighting game released in 1995 for Arcades and then ported to various platformers. While the original and console versions received positive reviews, the Game Gear and Master System versions were panned and will be the focus of this page.

Why They Need to Get Over Here

  1. Ugly graphics, even for a 1995 Game Gear and Master System game. Even Sonic Blast, a game released in 1996 for the Game Gear and Master System, looks much better than this.
    • It also doesn't help that the previous Mortal Kombat entry on the Game Gear looked much better and was more faithful to the console version.
  2. The fatalities are laughable compared to the console version and even the Game Boy version, despite not having good fatalities too, with Kabal's fatality being the worst offender; he got his head much bigger two times and just frozen his opponents.
  3. For some reason, the Game Gear version doesn't have any music during combats, which makes the game extremely silent. It also doesn't help that the victory and fatality/babality music can cause ear-bleeding due to how bad they sound.
  4. Speaking of music, unlike the console version, the soundtrack is terrible and sounds very loud; it's so bad that it's giving the port of the first Mortal Kombat on Game Boy a run for its money.
  5. The sound effects are awful and sound like they came from an Atari 2600 game rather than a Game Gear/Master System game. Every time you attack your opponent, it looks like it causes an earthquake that destroys everything in a 500-mile radius.
  6. The controls are very atrocious and are one of the main reasons why this port is so unplayable and bad; it's also very unresponsive and extremely broken.
  7. Strangely, instead of using the character you chose as portrait on the ladder, there are 2 arrows instead. What makes this laughable is that there was still space for your character's portrait to be added, so it makes no sense to include two arrows.
  8. The framerate is atrocious, even more than the Game Boy version. With the animation already terrible enough, it's even worse than the Game Boy version of the first Mortal Kombat. Here, the attacks feel like they won't go due to that. This is the same problem as the first Mortal Kombat on Game Boy.
  9. Awful characters animation for the most parts; it's so badly made that the game is possibly rushed, and it's like they have broken their knée sometime.
  10. The background is lifeless, and there's not any background for the most part, which would say that the game was possibly rushed to get to the store before the Game Gear discontinuation.
  11. The Game Gear version has an awful screen crunch, which makes the port even more unplayable.
  12. You can't run in this version at all, compared to most versions of the game.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. In the "Choose your destiny" screen, if you press left or right, the screen scrolls, which is pretty cool. However, it only appears in the Game Gear and Master System versions and not the others.


Unlike the console version, the Master System and Game Gear ports were heavily panned by players and fans alike for their terrible controls, terrible soundtrack and sound effects, and ugly graphics. It's been so badly received that this port is considered to be one, if not, the worst game on Game Gear for how bad it is, even surpassing Rise of the Robots.



  • The Game Gear version was also supposed to be released in North America but was cancelled.


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