Mr. Caffeine
Mr. Caffeine is a stage name used by pitchman Aaron Priceman who hosted Ubisoft’s press conference at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in 2011. During the presentation, his attempts at humor were generally met with uncomfortable silence from the audience, as well as negative reviews from most gaming publications and the internet community at large.
On the Internet, Priceman soon became associated with the phrase "Doodly Doodly Doop", which he uttered repeatedly during the presentation to mimic the sound effect of "time traveling".
On June 6th, 2011, French videogame publisher Ubisoft held a special press conference in commemoration of the company’s 25th anniversary, which featured a series of videos depicting what current Ubisoft franchises would have looked like had they been produced 25 years ago.
Throughout the screening portion of the event, Priceman prefaced each video with his best approximation of a flashback sound effect coupled with a special hand gesture to imitate what he perceived to be the sound of a time machine. This sound effect is commonly referred to as "doodly doodly doop".
The rest of Priceman's act was filled with other hilariously bad lines like, "and this absolutely epic fail right here. Yikes!", "Poop on your toothpaste", "Yes, I'm not afraid of a few dick jokes", and frequent mispronunciations of Tom Clancy's name as "Tom Cuh-lancy".