My Immortal
My Immortal is a Harry Potter fan fiction serially published on FanFiction.Net between 2006 and 2007. It was written by "XXXbloodyrists666XXX", who identified herself as "Tara Gillesbie". The real author is unknown; several people have claimed to be the "real" Tara, but no one of them has presented conclusive proof. Many of the alleged authors have claimed that the story is actually a parody of the then popular trends in Harry Potter fanfiction, but many witnesses that were present during the fic original publishing timeframe claim that it was just another actual earnest example of said era's fanfic, that only became notorious because of memetic mutation of their most quotable parts and the enraged responses of the author over "flames", real and perceived.
The story revolves around a Hogwarts student named Ebony (very often misspelled in different ways, "Enoby" and "Eboby" being the most common) Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, who claims to be a vampire, considers herself "goth" and see her enemies as "preps". The plot is virtually nonexistent in account of the numerous wildly and unconnected bizarre events that Ebony gets involved with; the only consistent plot thread is her romantic involvement with Draco Malfoy, or at least a version of Draco Malfoy that indulges in mid-2000s Emo music and is sensitive and bisexual.
Why It Sucks
- There are a lot of digressions.
- One of the biggest reasons here is that the writing is infamously known to be absolutely atrocious, especially in the later chapters, as it is known to contain excessive typos and misspells and it is very inconsistent at times.
- It strays extremely far from the original story. For starters, it transforms Hogwarts, a very typical British boarding school, into an American-like high school divided in cliques like "Gothic" (consistently misspelled "Goffic"), "Prep," and "Poser." Students also do not wear uniforms, and they're sometimes shown driving their cars to school.
- The canon characters' personalities are also a far cry from their book portrayals, such as:
- Draco is WAY kinder and more sensitive, although he still hates Muggles and "Preps," and he's never seen engaging in any of the malicious acts he did in canon.
- Harry (nicknamed "Vampire" here) is stated to be bisexual, and has a taste for blood despite not being a vampire.
- Maya (a character who is theoretically Hermione) isn't seen doing any studying, sometimes says Japanese words out of nowhere, and is almost a carbon copy of Ebony with an informed "tragic backstory" added.
- Neville (or "Navel") is the son of vampires, who was kidnapped at birth and eventually changed his name to Dracula to avoid being called by his embarrassing name.
- Tom Riddle ("Tom Rid" here) is a bisexual man who enjoys wearing makeup. He's also a separate character from Voldemort, who's weirdly merged with Tom Bombadil from The Lord of the Rings and nicknamed "Satan" for some reason. Though the latter is still the main villain because he's a "Prep," he comes across as far less threatening and prejudiced against non-Purebloods than his canon counterpart. His interactions with Ebony consist of him randomly showing up, yelling at her, and leaving.
- Lupin and Snape ("Loopin" and "Snap") are Voldemort's lackeys who share a romantic relationship and rarely pose a serious threat. Lupin in particular barely resembles himself from the books because he's a pedophile and a butt monkey, two things he was most certainly not in canon.
- Umbridge, or "Rumbridge" as she's called in the fic, actually cares about students' wellbeing and helps defeat Voldemort, though she does send a teacher to "Azerbaijan" for being "too 'goffic'" at one point.
- Dumbledore (called "Dumblydore") is willing to let students die JUST FOR BREAKING THE RULES and can't seem to decide whose side he's on.
- Moreover, the story calls characters like Britney, who isn't shown doing anything wrong, evil, for simply being "Preps" and "Posers" rather than "Goffs."
- The canon characters' personalities are also a far cry from their book portrayals, such as:
- Tries way too hard to be "gothic" (or rather, "goffic") and "edgy".
- Ebony, the main character, is a Mary Sue of the highest caliber. She hates people for having opinions differing from hers, judges their morals simply by the way they dress, kills them simply for bothering her, and arguably does things that are FAR WORSE than the "villains."
- The author of the story cannot take a single bit of criticism whatsoever.
- For example, in almost every chapter, they would make an author's note telling people to stop criticizing and flaming their story.
Redeeming Qualities
- It's so bad that it's hilarious.
- It inspired a comedic webseries that is much better than the original fanfic.
- It is likely intentionally bad, since the alleged author stated that it was intended as satire.
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