New Bully on the Block (Hey Arnold!)

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New Bully on the Block
Helga: "Now what, football head? We have two bullies. AND NO VACANT LOT!"
Arnold: "Looks like we’ll have to go to Plan B."
Stinky: "What’s Plan B?"
Arnold: "I'll tell you as soon as I think of it."
Series: Hey Arnold!
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: Season: 5 (3a)
Overall: 153 (81a)
Air Date: April 12, 2000
Writer: Craig Bartlett
Director: Frank Weiss
Previous episode: Principal Simmons
Next episode: Phoebe Breaks a Leg

New Bully on the Block is an episode of season 5 from the Nickelodeon show Hey Arnold! and the one-hundred-fifty-third episode overall.


Arnold and his friends must face two bullies when a new kid, Ludwig, returns and challenges Wolfgang for control of the vacant lot.

Why It Has No Rights Being A Bully To Others

  1. This is pretty much a torture episode for Arnold and his friends, as they get bullied by Wolfgang and Ludwig whenever they stand up to them, and are forced to play football to make up their teams.
  2. The bullies, Wolfgang and Ludwig fight each other, and also terrorize Arnold and his friends in the process while taking their lot, Gerald Field.
  3. This episode is also pretty mean spirited, as the bullies fight non-stop towards each other, even when the kids do something else, as well as the bullying the bullies do to the kids.
  4. The infamous scene where Helga says an expletive: "They’re beating the crap out of each other."
  5. Even when the kids stand up to them, it still goes badly wrong in the end, as the bullies still beat them up.
  6. When Arnold set them up to meet each other, Ludwig takes Arnold’s lunch money during that time.
  7. Arnold setting them up to play football against each other sort of backfires when they have their teams made up of the kids.
  8. While decent to watch, the kids looked roughed up at the end of the football game.
  9. Bad ending: When the bullies get along, they take over Gerald Field anyway, and beat up the students, and at night, the bullies were still there while Arnold, Gerald, Helga and Stinky are seen hanging by their shirts held hostage by the bullies against their will on the goalpost.
  10. This episode even sends out a bad and horrible moral showing that being a bully to others is okay and standing up for yourself is wrong, as shown by the bullies Ludwig and Wolfgang beating and pounding Arnold and his friends for their sick and twisted amusement, which got repeated in two most infamously hated episodes of "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" such as "Everyone Knows It's Bendy" and "Imposter's Home for Um... Make 'Em Up Pals".
  11. The running gag of the bullies beating up Arnold and the gang by giving them black eyes over and over again gets old too quickly.
  12. Wolfgang and Ludwig don't get any karma for their actions in the end, making Ludwig a karma houdini due to the latter getting away with violating his parole for his amusement so that the police don't find out about it, in which releasing him from Juvenile hall was the biggest mistake ever made.
  13. None of the kids tell Principal Wartz or Mr. Simmons about what the two bullies did to Arnold at School the next day in case Wolfgang beaten and pounded them into a pulp.
  14. This episode is a rehash of "Bart the General" from "The Simpsons" as Bart and his friends had enough of Nelson and his bad behavior, but in this episode it gets changed to Wolfgang winning again by changing the gameplan for his amusement.
  15. The most disgusting part of the episode where Arnold and Helga have black eyes from the bullies punching them in the face does not only come off as horrible it also come off as a mean-spirited excuse for Wolfgang and Ludwig to respond.
  16. Chocolate Boy had no purpose to the story but filler and was lazilly written out of the episode.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The plans Arnold come up with are pretty smart and clever.
  2. The scene where the kids play in the street is a good homage to the episodes where they used to play in the streets before they founded Gerald Field.
  3. The football game the kids played was decently enjoyable.
  4. Thankfully, Ludwig never appeared again and was sent back to Juvinile hall arrested in handcuffs by the police for beating up everybody(but Curly), while Wolfgang was thankfully stuck in detention for two weeks after this episode off-screen for serving as an accomplise.
  5. At least the kids get Gerald Field back, as seen in the next episode it appears in, "Arnold Visits Arnie".
  6. Thankfully Curly was removed from the rest of the episode and saved himself from getting beaten and pounded all evening.
  7. It shows that not every plan will have a good outcome.


This episode is considered by many fans to be one of the worst episodes of the show due to Arnold and his friends continuously being tormented by Wolfgang and Ludwig, only for them to end up losing Gerald Field to the two bullies at the end.


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