Niño Rata

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Niño Rata
"They created a page about me on New Qualitipedia Wiki papus." *The Sound of Silence is played*
Genre: "Comedy"
Running Time: Various
Country: Mexico
Release Date: April 1, 2016 - December 8, 2019
Network(s): YouTube
Created by: NEGAS (Ricardo Adrián Lozoya)
Episodes: 101

Niño Rata is a web series created by NEGAS in 2016, being so successful in such a short time.


The Niño Rata is a 13-year-old pre-teen video game fan who spends his time making incoherent ramblings on the Internet that lead him into unreal and absurd situations.

Why It's (Intentionally?) For Noobs

NOTE: Due to the quality of the web series, it's likely made as a joke.

  1. This was responsible for NEGAS running out of variety between 2016 and 2018 and its veteran fans complaining about new content due to the constant appearance of the Niño Rata.
  2. Characters without any development.
    • The Niño Rata is today's typical young man with no personality who is fond of Minecraft and Vegeta777 and also speaks in a very monotonous and robotic way and his phrases although at first glance do not appear to be bad, will end up annoying and boring you over time.
    • Don Cuco is an abusive man who beats his son for petty things or just because. And his screams and swear words at first glance, they appear to be hilarious, but end up being annoying and will get on your last nerve.
    • The mom seems to be just a filler character as she doesn't speak once and although she's slightly nicer than her husband, she has also come to abuse her son (As in episode 51 or 56). Not to mention when she opens her mouth, does it in a way that is really scary and disturbing.
    • Niña Unica and Niño Otacco are another ones of the today's typical young preteens with no personality. In the case of the first one, it's a "unique and different" girl being a Nirvana fan. In the case of the second one, is a otaku obsessed with anime and doesn't seem to know how to speak Spanish, since he literally says everything in Japanese.
    • The teacher is a pedophile since he abuses poor Albertito (although he ends up enjoying it for some reason).
    • The rest of the characters have hardly any role in the series.
  3. Lazy and awful animation. The characters only have to move their mouths to interact or perform a certain action by repeating the animation over and over again.
  4. The backgrounds are also lazy and they look as if they were made in Photoshop in half an hour. It even goes so far as to use PNG images taken from the Internet.
  5. From episode 15, almost all titles are predictable and repetitive because they only end in "+ PRO", "+ NOOB" "+ HARDCORE", etc. Not to mention the unnecessary ":V".
  6. The characters desings are extremely repetitive and often reuse the same Niño Rata face, just with different characters. In fact, the main character doesn't seem to be a rat, but a bird or a chick.
  7. The 31st episode "Una tarde como PRO", it's about where the Niño Rata does...... nothing. Yes, really. Nothing.
  8. Questionable voice acting, feeling too slow, forced and annoying for most characters.
  9. It doesn't help the fact that made three apps about it, all of rather questionable quality and outdated since 2017 / 2018. Not to mention that Super Rata wasn't released for iOS mobile devices.
  10. The videos are extremely cliche since they repeat the same jokes over and over again, like Niño Rata with MLG sunglasses, the camera zooming when something disturbing happens, shootings, Don Cuco hitting Niño Rata, etc.
  11. What was the intention of making loops about this?

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Has some funny moments.
  2. Some episodes are good or at least acceptable.
  3. It may have been done intentionally bad and should not be taken too seriously.
  4. Although not in the same way, it still maintains that black humor that NEGAS always highlighted in his other animations.
  5. Although poorly executed, it must be admitted that NEGAS did its job well in mocking of gamer kids and papulinces and popular fads such as Despacito, Movimiento Naranja, memes, etc.
  6. Not all designs are repetitive, some designs such as Ganso Donald are quite creative.
  7. Fortunately, it stopped being overexploited in mid-2018 to give more variety to NEGAS's content.
  8. In the episode 14, Sebastián Llapur who collaborated with Ricardo Adrián Lozoya for that episode, he did a very good job of playing his character Rattus Finix.


This web series, being one of the ones that had the most episodes in such a short period of time, caught the attention of more people, increasing the number of followers of the NEGAS channel due to its humor.

As time went by from the Negas animations pre-2015 (Don Makila, Pinchimono, Lataman, etc.), to his 2016 onwards facet (Niño Rata and random parodies), many fans who followed him since 2010 have complained about the new content, due to the constant appearance of Niño Rata, this including the absence of several old characters already mentioned in the first parenthesis. Older fans have been upset and have even insulted Ricardo Adrián Lozoya (the creator), demanding the return of those animations for which he became popular.


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