Oh Brother (Dexter's Laboratory)

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Not to be confused with the Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 episode of the same name.
Oh Brother
Oh brother, this episode stinks!
Series: Dexter's Laboratory
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 11a
Air Date: July 5, 2002

(produced in 2001)

Director: Chris Savino
Previous episode: Smells Like Victory
Next episode: Another Dad Cartoon

"Oh Brother" is the first part of the eleventh episode in the third season of Dexter's Laboratory.


Dexter turns Dee Dee into a boy but is disappointed when "he" is not a genius as Dexter would like it.

Why, Oh Brother, It Sucks

  1. The concept of Dexter turning his sister into a boy just to make her a lab assistant turned out to be a very bad idea. But the way it was handled in the episode "Dexter's Assistant" was done way better.
  2. Doo Dee, the male version of Dee Dee is extremely unlikable because he treats Dexter like garbage by throwing him around the house like a football. He is also a Karma Houdini who never got any comeuppance for his actions.
  3. Both of Dexter's parents are at their absolute worst because they never punish Doo Dee for his actions, but instead they praise him for that and offer all the food to him and nothing to Dexter.
  4. Dexter is treated like a Butt-Monkey in this episode. He is always getting beaten up by Doo Dee harshly and is ignored by his parents, even though he did nothing wrong.
  5. The episode is very sexist and seems to promote misandry and sexism towards men and boys as when Dee Dee turns into Doo Dee, she immediately becomes a jerk after having her gender changed, suggesting that being a jerk is inherently a trait for boys. Sound familiar?
  6. Hypocrisy: On two counts with both in regard to the episode's sexism:
    • First off, the episode is directed by Chris Savino, who is male and yet he directed an episode that offends men. This makes Savino come across as a boomerang bigot.
    • Secondly, Dexter, while a victim is a male character, and the episode basically tries to state that all men are inherently jerks by having Doo Dee bully a boy around and the latter is also a male all because of an experiment done by Dexter.
  7. The scene where Doo Dee was eating was disgusting.
  8. Transphobia: Aside from misandry, the episode is also very insulting and offensive towards transgender people and people who have underwent a sex change operation.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Decent ending where Dexter lures Doo Dee in the machine by using his football and turns him back to Dee Dee.
  2. Doo Dee's design looks good.


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