One Big Happy Family (Kid vs. Kat)

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"One Big Happy Family"
One Big Happy Family.png
Burt, are you serious, punishing Coop for making the trapped inside the House of Swap? You're joking, aren't you?
Series: Kid vs. Kat
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 11a
Air Date: April 18, 2009
Writer: Kendra Hibbert
Previous episode: The Grass is Always Meaner
Next episode: Happy Campers

One Big Happy Family is the first half of the eleventh episode of the Canadian animated series, Kid vs. Kat. It first aired on April 18, 2009 on YTV.


Millie, Burt and Coop stuck in the House of Swap.

Why It's Not A Happy Family and Should Be Stuck in House of Swap Forever

This what your face looks like when Burt is actually staring at you instead of staring at Coop, you are a monster!
  1. First of all, Burt is extremely unlikeable because he punishes Coop for making him stuck inside House of Swap along with Mr. Kat and Millie. He even punishes him 3 TIMES AND PUNISHES HIM INTO THE CORNER AND EVEN GROUNDS HIM FOR ETERNITY! That was extreme child neglect.
  2. Mr. Kat is a massive idiotic Gary Stu in this episode, he made the Burtonburgers trapped inside the House of Swap.
  3. Millie is not any better, even worse, she cries and tells Coop that he's the meanest big brother ever after he smashed her cupcakes accidentally.
  4. This is the Coop Burtonburger torture episode where he gets grounded and stays in the corner inside the House of Swap.
  5. The angry face that Burt makes after Coop tries to get out of the corner makes it look like he is staring at someone and breaking the fourth wall instead.
  6. The scenes where Burt tries to get rid of the totem pole with several attempts can be sometimes considered filler.
  7. Burt's infamous quote "From now on you will not leave this square on the stool or not or you'll be grounded for eternity!" can be considered weak.
  8. Misleading title: The episode has nothing to do with a happy family.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Coop is considered to be likable in this episode.
  2. Mr. Kat gets comeuppance at the end where he was injured and covered with bandages after he tries to make the Burtonburgers stuck inside the House of Swap forever.
  3. Good Ending: Coop finally gets to play video games inside his room after Burt scolded him for a month, then Mr. Kat covered up with bandages comes up to the door holding the invention that he made at the beginning, then Millie takes him for a check up. then Coop opens the door and thoughts that Burt was there.


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