Ooo Look At Me I'm A Big Scary Ghost (Starter Squad)

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Ooo Look At Me I'm A Big Scary Ghost
"The spooky haunted place, that doesn't seem to scare Charmander."
Genre: Starter Squad
Uploaded: October 31, 2017
Running Time: 15:59
Status: Public
View Count: 12.8M

Ooo Look At Me I'm A Big Scary Ghost is the 8th episode of the series Starter Squad it was uploaded on October 31, 2017. Making this a Halloween Special.

Why It Rocks

  1. This episode starts the transition of the series to Blender (Despite still using SFM), as the character models are much higher quality and much more expressive.
    • In fact, some of the custom/edited models look pretty good. Such as the Scary Monster Haunter for example.
  2. Great voice acting like usual.
  3. Some spooky moments here and there, which is expected for a Halloween Special.
  4. Charmander gets some character development, since he feels bad about Squirtle.
    • He is shown to be brave, as he tried to fight MissingNo (Although it would risk in him glitching, and he was the cause of it happening in Episode 5) until being stopped by Mewtwo.
  5. Haunter himself is a rather unique character, who wants to scare Charmander and Bulbasaur.

Bad Qualities

  1. The first 3 minutes of the episode, with Sandshrew and Pidgeotto. Has a pretty boring beginning, with barely anything contributing to the plot of the episode. Sandshrew himself doesn't appear much, except for the ending of the episode where he digs underground for Mewtwo.