Plan Dissolve Adhesive (BFDI:TPOT short)

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Plan Dissolve Adhesive
"I didn't know pinkeye could be that bad... I'm comfortable now."
Series: Battle for Dream Island
Air Date: August 12, 2024
Writer: Florence Chapell
Director: Florence Chapell

Plan Dissolve Adhesive is a Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two short. It was released on August 12, 2024.


During the events of "Balancing P.A.C.T.", PDA tries to free all of the other failed debutants from the roof.

Good Qualities

  1. Great animation and voice acting as usual.
  2. PDA finally gets some well-written character development, and have a very well... likable and relatable feel at least.
  3. At least the TPOT failed debutants finally have a day in the limelight. This is also PDA's first appearance as a major character, apart from having one line in TPOT 7.
  4. There's some funny and memorable moments:
    • PDA's behavior can be considered very funny. Like how they make sarcastic and brutally honest remarks. As such, plenty of viewers can find them very enjoyable and good way to introduce character development overtime.
    • Conch Shell can also be considered a likable character due to his laughable stupidity. Like when PDA asked about the poster of him on his death bed he thought they were talking about the ones with the puppies and kittens. Turns out he had severe pink eye.
    • The poor Bluetooth connection joke was also pretty funny.
  5. Glue and Juice Box, two BFDI Mini contestants, also make surprise cameos.
  6. PDA gets their comeuppance at the end by being glued to the roof and being blocked by Glue after they were such a jerk to them at the start of the short, making them not a karma houdini.

Dissolved Qualities

  1. Wasted potential: The main problem with this short is that it takes place in TPOT 8, which while decent, is mixed to many viewers. All of the viewers were expecting to see them do some sort of new adventure after the events of TPOT 12.
  2. False advertising: The promo featured PDA on the roof with everyone free and saying "follow me to be saved!". And on the thumbnail, it shows everyone off the roof. In this episode, everyone is trapped on the elevator roof in the events of TPOT 8 and nobody is saved.
  3. Most of the other characters had no involvement at all, but at least there's not any unnecessary filler.


It has a very high like count of reception rating of 9.8/10 and a positive, and very high rating.

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