Plants vs. Zombies Heroes

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Plants vs. Zombies Heroes
Plants vs zombies heroes title screen.jpg
The lawn of a new battle.
Genre(s): Collectible Card Game
Platform(s): iOS
Release Date: October 18, 2016
Developer(s): PopCap Games
Publisher(s): Electronic Arts
Series: Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs. Zombies Heroes is a collectible card game developed by PopCap Games and published by Electronic Arts. The game first soft-launched around March 2016, and officially released on October 18, 2016 for Android and iOS.

Why It's Heroic

  1. The idea of turning Plants and Zombies into different heroes is a very good concept.
  2. The game has great presentation, with jazzy music, comic book animations, sound effects, and cartoony graphics.
  3. The character designs for the plants/zombie heroes look great.
  4. Environments, Evolution, and Fusion are fun, original ideas that expand upon the lane-based combat and give the player extra chances to turn relatively useless minions into powerhouses.
  5. Unlike the first 2 PVZ games, the plants and zombies now have more voice acting, which is pretty good, despite some of it being a little annoying.
  6. Despite being similar to Hearthstone, rather than putting plants on the lawn to prevent zombies from eating your brains, the game is a card game where you play plants or zombies in order to defeat your opponent's heroes, whicb is a nice change to the gameplay.
  7. The class-based system and different factions of Plants and Zombies prevent matches from being dumbed down to dittos, especially high-level gameplay.
  8. It is the first PVZ game on mobile where we can actually be on the zombies' side, which is pretty cool. (Not counting the Garden Warfare games since those are console-exclusive)
  9. The lane-based combat and some Superpowers add interesting layers of strategy and prevent Aggro decks like Aggro Solar Flare and Aggro Impfinity from dominating the ladder.
  10. The game has over 1000+ cards in 5 classes for the plant and zombie side each, with both sides leading 2 different classes per hero, which is nice and can perform a lot of strategies.
  11. Well-balanced free to play system, as it isn't full of ads or prompts to buy gems, unlike most other mobile games.
  12. In 2017, the game received a Galactic Gardens update, which added 100+ more cards to the game as well as 2 new heroes called Beta-Carrotina and Huge-Gigantacus, which was amazing.

Bad Qualities

  1. Microtransactions: Getting past Diamond League is practically impossible without months of watching ads and grinding or paying massive amounts of cash. For reference, getting to Ultimate League (good luck with that) only gives you 400 gems, which is only enough to get 4 packs.
  2. There's virtually no reason to play the single-player mode except having no internet since they give fewer Tickets than online battles and provide no other reward. There's no ending at all too if you beat them all, it's just a waste of time.
    • In addition, there is a huge lack of replay value, as you can not replay any single-player level except the last one. Outside of Multiplayer, there is literally no replayability.
  3. The game can be ridiculously hard and unfair at times, it is also sometimes luck-based as well, especially with the Super-Block Meter. In fact, Plant Mission 75 is considered the hardest level in the game.
  4. The voice acting, while good, can be pretty annoying for some characters, especially Huge-Gigantacus.
  5. Crazy Dave (your neighbor from Plants Vs Zombies 1 & 2 ) only appears in the beginning and never shows up again; not even Zomboss appears much either.
  6. After the release of the Triassic Triumph set, there has been almost no updates to the game, probably showing that EA/PopCap abandoned the game after only a mere 22 months from its release.
    • This was because various forms of executive meddling caused the artists and animators that work for the game to be laid off in July 2017.


Plants vs. Zombies Heroes was released to positive reviews from critics, garnering a rating of "generally favorable" on the review aggregator website Metacritic.


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