Porta-Johnny (Johnny Test, 2005)

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Kicked off Johnny and his sisters' flanderization and a bad moral at the end.
Series: Johnny Test (2005)
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: Overall: 80
Season: 40 (1b)
Air Date: November 10, 2009
Writer: Scott Fellows
Director: Paul Riley
Previous episode: Johnny's New Baby Sisters
Next episode: Join the Johnny Scouts

Porta Johnny is the second part of episode 40 and the 1st episode of Season 4, as well as the 80th episode overall of Johnny Test.


Johnny tricks his sisters into letting him have teleporting powers. Susan and Mary mess with the powers to get revenge by placing him in danger. Later the twins accidentally get the duo caught in the middle of an art robbery.

Why It's A Porta-Failure

  1. First off, this episode starts off not only Johnny's flanderization, but his sisters' too.
    • Johnny Test - Went from a rebellious, yet goodhearted boy who helped others, cared about his family, and even had mature moments of learning lessons, and having remorse for his actions whenever they were bad, into being a problematic, troublesome kid who now constantly messes up his sisters' inventions for his self-serving purposes, causing trouble for himself and the whole city. He becomes a maniac and forces his sisters to let him have teleportation powers or he'll use the bottle in which he "mixed some chemicals from the unstable cabinet" (although it was just water and green food coloring) on them.
    • Susan and Mary Test - Went from great teenage partners in training with comedic traits and having the ability to perform intelligent and creative experiments on Johnny to help him out while keeping him safe, into bland and generic teenage girls who constantly drool over boys, most notably Gil Nexdor, with many nonsensical and botched schemes while having little to no regard for Johnny's safety. Throughout the episode, after they've found out about the bottle, they've decided it was a good idea to teleport Johnny and Dukey to the middle of the train track with a train coming, in a lion's cage with hungry lions, and let's not forget AT AN ART MUSEUM IN A MIDDLE OF AN ART HEIST WHERE THEY'RE FRAMED FOR!!
  2. The second half of the episode is a semi Johnny and Dukey torture episode (although the former needed it for his actions in the first half) as they get transported to various dangerous places thanks to the girls. Not to mention that they're were framed for an art heist.
  3. Animation Errors: This episode is one of the worse examples, for example, one of Susan's glasses arms are missing when reading the ingredients from Johnny's bottle.
  4. The SWAT team was pretty unlikable as they framed Johnny and Dukey (as well as the whole family) for the art heist back at the art museum.
    • Not to mention that they didn't go after the robbers who were in the heist earlier.
  5. This episode teaches a bad moral that it's ok to escape punishments rather than face them.
  6. Half Bad Ending: Although the family escaped the SWAT Team and Susan and Mary erasing the footage of Johnny and Dukey from the heist off the internet (which will take 3 days), the parents never punished the kids for their actions, Susan and Mary for placing Johnny and Dukey in danger for revenge, and Johnny for manipulating them for the transparticalizer!

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. Half Good Ending: Despite its bad moral, they've at least escape the SWAT team, despite the parents not punishing the kids.


  • This episode marks the first example of Hugh's miserly attitude.
  • Johnny has an emotional disease known as a "boring ache".


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