Power Rangers S.P.D. (Game Boy Advance)

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Power Rangers S.P.D (Game Boy Advance)

S.P.D. Emergency! THQ made hopefully the last bad Power Rangers game!" (Unfortunately, it’s not.)

Genre(s): Action
Platform(s): Game Boy Advance
Release: September 6, 2005
Developer(s): Natsume
Publisher(s): THQ
Series: Power Rangers
Predecessor: Power Rangers: Dino Thunder

Power Rangers S.P.D. is a side-scrolling beat-em-up video game developed by Natsume and published by THQ. Released on September 6, 2005 for the Game Boy Advance. It was the sixth and last Power Rangers video game to be published by THQ.

Bad Qualities

  1. Average graphics.
  2. Generic music that doesn't sounds like the Power Rangers S.P.D. theme song and the whole Power Rangers franchise.
  3. The names of the monsters from S.P.D. are wrong in this game, like from Praxis to Salimoth.
  4. Confusing story.
  5. Lose one life and start back at the beginning of the game all over again.
    • Just like the previous Power Rangers games on GBA, there is yet again, still no save feature, which is unacceptable for a 2005 Game Boy Advance game. However, if you lose all of your lives, you are forced to replay the game from the beginning unless you have a password. Even Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy which was released in the same year and it has a save feature.
  6. Some of the characters from the show are missing, such as Omega Ranger, Broodwing, Mirlock, Hydrax, Mora/Morgana, Kat, Nova Ranger, S.W.A.T. Megazord and Boom.
  7. The story mode shows Emperor Gruumm but you never fight him at the end, he just only appears at the start of the game.
    • Instead of fighting Gruumm in the end, the last boss is General Benagg. Even the DS version of Power Rangers: Super Legends lets you fight Grummm in the S.P.D. level as a boss which was much better than this game.
  8. All of the Rangers play the same except for Red and Shadow. Blue plays like Green and Yellow plays like Pink.
  9. Shadow Ranger is only playable in the last level.
  10. Horrible ending.

Good Qualities

  1. The level backgrounds are good.
  2. The Power Rangers' sprites (although recolors) look alright.
  3. Some of the movement animation is fairly decent.
  4. The gameplay is okay and can be pretty fun, it's also a bit similar to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) although it's a bit different here.
  5. The Megazord battles are decent and better than those from Time Force on the Game Boy Advance.


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