Pulling Double Booty (American Dad!)

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Pulling Double Booty
The American Dad! version of "Fresh Heir" from before that Family Guy episode even aired.
Series: American Dad!
Part of Season: 4
Episode Number: 6
Air Date: November 16, 2008
Writer: Brian Boyle
Director: John Aoshima
Previous episode: Escape from Pearl Bailey
Next episode: Phantom of the Telethon

"Pulling Double Booty" is the sixth episode in the fourth season of American Dad!.


After Hayley gets dumped by Jeff, she starts to date Bill, Stan's CIA body double.

Why It's Not Pulling Any Booty

  1. It overuses jokes concerning incest, adultery, and animal cruelty.
  2. The relationship between Hayley and Bill, who is Stan’s body double at the CIA, is very disgusting and disturbing as Bill looks exactly like Stan. Although Hayley and Bill’s relationship is technically not incestuous, the relationship is still very painful to watch.
  3. To make matters worse, Stan decides to pretend to be Bill after Bill cheats on Hayley with Francine by attempting to sleep with Francine. Even though Stan does this to prevent Hayley from having a meltdown that would land her in jail, this particular plot twist brings in even more disturbing implications of incest.
  4. Stan is unlikable in this episode because he says that he plans to only tell Hayley that he loves her in the event she dies of cancer, excessively interferes with her love life, and lies to Hayley by pretending to be her boyfriend.
  5. Francine's constant vomiting in this episode is not funny, and it's only used for increased shock value.
  6. It's never explained why Jeff broke up with Hayley at the beginning of the episode.
  7. The scene where all the roosters get hit by cars is rather sad to watch.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Hayley's outbursts are very funny to watch.
  2. The side-plot with Steve and Roger was rather entertaining.


The episode received a 7.3/10 on IMDb. It got mixed reviews though and the Parents Television Council condemned the episode for its plot concerning incest and other sexual content.


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