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Up to his old tricks indeed!
Genre: Comedy
Directed by: Francis Nielsen
Written by: Angel E. Parlente
Starring: Wayne Grayson
Emilee Wallace
Kristina Hughes
Peter Hudson
Tyler Shamy
Kim Michelle Broderick
Ryan Dowler
Photography: Color
Distributed by: Phase 4 Films
Release date: February 15, 2013
Runtime: 81 minutes
Country: Spain
Sequel: Pup 2: No Good

Pup is a 2013 Spanish film made and directed by Phase 4 Films.


Blacky, a black sheep, is the terror of the farm. And she is obsessed with going to the Moon. Kanuto, the sheepdog, gets tangled up in her plans while failing to hide his love for her. They get swept away in an adventure where they meet an opera-singing cow, a fashion designer wolf, illegal sewing spiders, a weird couple of birds from some famous singing TV reality show contest, and a peculiar pack of dogs, the 'Pastrinos', who have a rocket ready to launch. And of course, Pinky, the Godzilla-sized sheep, with a bad attitude of lunar proportions.

Why It's a Bad Pup

  1. Crappy and slow-paced animation, even for 2013 standards. Not only it looks unfinished, it more looks like it belongs to a PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, or even a GameCube cutscene.
  2. Predictable story, along with some filler scenes.
  3. The sheepdog and sheep fall in love, which feels forced and weird.
  4. In one scene, Kanuto and some sheep battle spiders and fight via peeing.
  5. Annoying voice acting, especially Blacky's voice actor.
  6. Terrible soundtrack. Along with the credits music, it's extremely bland.
  7. Lots of inappropriate stuff for the movie, with the spiders being a Chinese stereotype.
  8. SPOILER ALERT: In one scene, Blacky asked Kanuto to still be her boyfriend, even though she hated him at the beginning of the movie. That clearly makes no sense.
  9. During half of the movie, there is a scene about the farmers putting in a sergeant pit bull who guards the farm animals, which is really pointless and lasts for about 2 minutes.
  10. The poster is a straight-up rip-off of Disney's Pixar Up.
  11. Surprisingly enough, it somehow was so "popular," that it got its own sequel in 2016, which is if not as worse than the first movie.


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