Reeking Havoc (The Powerpuff Girls, 1998)

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Reeking Havoc

This episode definitely reeked lots of havoc, indeed.
Series: The Powerpuff Girls (1998)
Part of Season: 6
Episode Number: Overall: 119
Season: 3a
Air Date: April 30, 2004
Writer: Cindy Morrow
Director: Robert Alvarez
Previous episode: Say Uncle
Next episode: Live and Let Dynamo

Reeking Havoc is the first half of the third episode in the sixth season of The Powerpuff Girls.


Realizing the need for the Professor to win the chili contest, the girls each unknowingly add Chemical X to give it an extra kick. After the Professor wins the contest and having everyone tasting the chili, they all let out the gas which causes a gas monster to come out of the sewers and makes an awful stench around Townsville.

Why It Reeks

  1. Speaking of the toilet humor, when everyone eats the Professor's chili after he wins the chili cook-off contest, they fart up an entire methane monster. In fact, the Powerpuff Girls and the Professor started this whole mess by adding drops of Chemical X.
  2. Aside the toilet humor; there are a few unfunny moments such as the flashback of the Professor's breakdown.
  3. The methane monster himself is a laughably bad villain and he is rather hilarious than intimidating.
  4. Speaking of which, the methane monster's design looks disgusting and looks like a bland or knock-off version of Slimer from the Ghostbusters franchise.
  5. Plot Hole: Why couldn't the people who had stomach aches just go to their bathrooms rather than farting outside? Speaking of which, how could people's farts come outside and make up a disgusting monster, anyway?
  6. The girls sucking up the methane monster is very unnecessary and sick, why would they think of that?!

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. Good Ending: Blossom gets a match from the same place she got the jar that was in Season 1, Episode 2 (more information in the "Trivia" section), and the methane monster sucks into the match - therefore, saving the day. Then the girls go to the Professor, feel sorry for him losing the contest, and then the Professor hints at the Limburger Festival on the newspaper.


  • When Blossom gets a match to suck up the methane monster, she mentions that she got it from the same place she got the giant jar in Season 1, Episode 2, which was the episode "Insect Inside", which she used to trap all the cockroaches.


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