Rudi Rotnase

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Rudi Rotnase
Behold! The worst animation of all time!
Genre: Holiday
Photography: Color
Distributed by: Digital World
Release date: 2002
Runtime: 43 minutes
Country: Germany
Language: German, English

Rudi Rotnase (Known as Red Nose in the United States) is a German animated Christmas film created by the defunct Digital World.


A retelling of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

Bad Qualities

  1. Atrocious Animation: The animation is SO BAD it makes Foodfight, the worst animated piece of media look like Disney.
    • To make matters worse, the cover art looks professional compared to the final product, making it an aggravating case of misleading cover art.
  2. Incoherent Plot: The movie goes all over the place, it literally has 3 plots and they’re incredibly hard to follow: A poor couple has an ill husband, Rudolph has an identity crisis, and Santa can’t deliver presents.
  3. Poor Dubbing: The English dub of this movie is very bad, none of the characters have fitting voices, Santa’s baby sounds like a drunk man, and the wife of the couple with the sick husband is clearly voiced by a man that has been pitch-shifted.
  4. At some points in the film, the audio BLOWS OUT THE MICROPHONE.
  5. There are times when the movie speeds up scenes and it’s very tacky.
  6. The lipsyncing is very awful as it never matches with the dialogue.
  7. In the scene where Rudolph talks about getting made of fun of because of his nose, he looks inexplicably pregnant. It’s very distracting.
  8. The scene with Ruloph’s mother has a worn out VHS filter and it’s unnecessary.
  9. Plot Hole: Why does Mrs. Claus need the sled to deliver a present TWO BLOCKS FROM THE NORTH POLE.
  10. There’s a scene where Rudolph rubs mud on his body and it looks like feces.
  11. The narrator’s voice is very hard to listen to.

Only Good Quality

  1. Santa and Mrs. Claus having a baby, though an unoriginal idea, is a good idea nonetheless.


  • This Christmas movie is so obscure, there’s not much information about it.



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