Súper Bigote y su Mano De Hierro

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Súper Bigote y su Mano De Hierro
Perhaps the most blatant example of propaganda by the Government of Venezuela.
Genre: Action
Running Time: 1 minute
Country: Venezuela
Release Date: December 2021 – present
Network(s): Venezolana de Televisión (VTV)
Created by: Government of Venezuela
Starring: Unknown
Seasons: 1
Episodes: 10

Súper Bigote y su Mano De Hierro (in English Super Mustache and his Iron Hand) is an Venezuelan flash animated children's television series of shorts created by the government of Nicolás Maduro. Not much information is known about its production, but apparently it was released on the state channel Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) in early December 2021.


The series follows the adventures of the superhero "Súper Bigote" defending Venezuela from US imperialism. The US government, with the help of the Venezuelan opposition, try different plans to destabilize Venezuela, but they are always stopped by Súper Bigote.

Why It Sucks

  1. To begin with, the series is a blatant attempt at political propaganda by the government of Nicolás Maduro (which is widely hated for repressing its people and leading Venezuela into a humanitarian crisis). This is just bad, since the target audience of the series is young children, so they would be being indoctrinated.
    • Speaking of Maduro, Súper Bigote IS LITERALLY Maduro in a superhero outfit (which is a sign of personalism).
  2. The series portrays the US government as evil imperialists who want to destroy Venezuela, which borders on Americophobia.
  3. The series blames all the problems in Venezuela on the US government, when in real life a large part of these problems are the fault of Maduro's mismanagement.
  4. Lazy and simplistic animation that looks something from a low-quality Newgrounds cartoon from the early 2000's.
  5. The character designs are pretty questionable.
    • The US president (said to be Donald Trump) is an amorphous fat guy that wears t-shirt with illuminati triangle.
    • Súper Bigote looks like a ripoff of Omni-Man from Invincible.
    • For some reason the opposition leaders are chicken-human hybrids.
    • The civilians's designs are literally copied from each other.
  6. The voice acting is quite annoying, since most of them sound quite forced or sometimes they don't understand what they are saying. It also doesn't help that Venezuela has a lot of languages.
  7. All the episodes have exactly the same plot, "the US government tries a plan to destabilize Venezuela and Súper Bigote stops them", which can become quite repetitive, not to mention but since they have short running time it's makes the episodes a rushed experience to watch.
  8. The series has several inconsistent scenes. For example, in the first episode, there is a scene where you can see that Súper Bigote is the same size as an airplane, which doesn't make sense.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The series can make you laugh at how bad it is.
  2. The music is pretty decent.


Although there is no official reception of Súper Bigote y su mano de hierro from sites like IMDb, the show was universally panned by both Venezuelan and foreign audiences. It was criticized in various media for his animation, art style, voice acting and for being a rather blatant attempt at political propaganda by Maduro.


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