Sitting Bull (The Loud House)

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"Sitting Bull (The Loud House)"
An example on why having Lynn Jr. as a babysitter is not a good idea.
Series: The Loud House
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 16a
Air Date: September 18, 2018
Writer: Michael Rubiner
Director: Kyle Marshall
Previous episode: Be Stella My Heart
Next episode: The Spies Who Loved Me

Sitting Bull is the 30th episode in the third season of The Loud House.


The older sisters reluctantly allow Lynn Jr. into their babysitting club, but she quickly proves to be too aggressive.

Why This Episode Should Be Fired From Babysitting

  1. This is another episode that makes Lynn Jr. utterly unlikable for the sake of the plot to happen.
  2. Lynn is a terrible babysitter who gives Vicky a run for her money. While Vicky from The Fairly OddParents is shown as an example of how to not be good of a babysitter herself, it is shown in The Fairly OddParents that she does care for Timmy, albeit the latter part of her is very rare. In the pilot episode of that show, when she realizes Timmy is missing, she immediately starts searching for him. Here, though, Lynn Jr. is not only a terrible babysitter, but she shows absolutely no remorse or any care for the kids she is torturing. Here are the things Lynn does to terrorize the kids:
    • Forcing them to wrestle each other. They clearly show that they don't want to wrestle, but Lynn forces them to and one of them gets tangled in ropes.
    • She forces them to carry things that are too heavy for them, like pickle jars and an uncooked turkey.
    • She makes them eat raw eggs.
    • Finally, just before bed, she tells them a story about how she once broke her leg making one of them nauseous.
    • She tortures other kids offscreen later in the episode.
      • If none of those also prove how scummy Lynn Jr. is, then no one knows what pointers do prove evidence she is the example of being a scummy character.
  3. Not to mention the beginning scene where Lynn Jr. treats her younger sisters badly is not funny:
    • She scares Lana and Lola (who are driving in Lola's car) for no reason and they accidentally crash the car, and Lynn gives them "apology punches".
    • She almost hits Lily, who happens to be an infant, with a tire swing, thereby nearly killing her or badly injuring her. Thankfully, Charles saves Lily from that.
  4. Even when Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan see Lynn doing that, they still decide to give her a job as a babysitter because "fair is fair". In Lynn Jr.'s case, it is not fair, as from the beginning you can already easily tell she's going to be a terrible babysitter.
  5. Lynn also gives Lincoln a hard time for no reason. For insistence:
    • She gets upset about him wanting a job for babysitting.
    • She throws her football at him while telling him to get out.
    • She pushes him aside in the living room while he's trying to answer the phone.
  6. After Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan get informed about what Lynn has done to the kids, there's no news about Lynn being fired, however Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan all get fired. This makes it unfair as Lynn was the one torturing the kids and the older 4 sisters don't even know what Lynn was doing, so it should've been Lynn Jr. to be fired.
  7. The Fox Quintuplets themselves aren't any better. All 5 actively act like spoiled brats who torture others for their entertainment.
    • The flashbacks featuring Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan being tortured by the Quints aren't any satisfying to watch. They are just another way to make us feel sorry for them instead of laugh at their pain, even though none of the four deserve it.
  8. This episode is also a guilt trip-esque episode. Again, we come back to the show having episodes with characters having to go through a lot of unnecessary suffering and guilt-tripping happen to them for no reason, like in "Brawl in the Family" and "No Such Luck". Here, it's clearly at the lowest kind of low imaginable. This episode paints Lynn in a good light by taking the job as a babysitter by acting like an awful selfish person who comes off as a complete scumbag by treating the kids that she had to babysit like garbage and forcing them to do things neither sibling wants to do and paints the other four older sisters of the show in a bad light.
    • If there is a hint we can find from this episode, this whole episode in on itself is an 11-minute Guilt Trip 101 Lesson type of episode and it shows.
  9. Half-Unfair ending: The episode tries to end with a happy ending, but fails. Here's what happens: The four older sisters decide to send Lynn to the Fox Quints to give her a taste of receiving her torment. However, it turns out she has a really fun time babysitting them and she gets to continue babysitting them. This means that Lynn gets absolutely no repercussions for the actions she has made in this episode and everything works out fine for her. This attempt at a "heartwarming" and "happy ending" is a horrible thing to show to viewers.
  10. Bad Moral: if you are a reckless, repulsive, forceful, violent, and terrible babysitter by painting yourself in a good light by stooping to the same lows and by guilt-tripping your siblings to prove that, everything will work out fine and you won't get repercussions for it. What were they thinking this kind of moral is good for kids?!
  11. Plot Hole: Why can't Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan just tell their parents that Lynn got them fired and is torturing other kids?
    • On a side note, Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan didn't confront Lynn or scolded her for any of her actions (especially when she got them fired)
    • The McCauleys, Lewis', Santinies, Katzs and Dunscombs also never even think about telling the Loud parents about that Lynn torturing their kids

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, and every character in this episode (except Lynn and the Fox Quints) are likable.
    • Charles is possibly at his best here as he saves Lily from getting hit by the tire swing Lynn was swinging on.
  2. The joke where Luan hits herself with a hammer prop and Leni commenting on how that makes her feel better about her "ouchie" is the only good joke in this episode.
  3. The animation and voice acting are still good.
  4. Half-Good ending: Lynn did got Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan's old clients back at the end.
  5. The concept of Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, and Lynn being babysitters and babysitting kids is a great concept, despite the execution being pretty bad, and the execution, would've probably ended up being pretty better and great if Lynn was not in this episode or had a minor role.


Despite the episode receiving a 6.8/10 on IMDb, fans of the show did not generally like this episode.


  • This episode reveals that the older sisters (now including Lynn as of this episode) have a career as babysitters.


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