Slippy Sodor (Thomas & Friends)

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Slippy Sodor
This episode has slipped to stupidity.
Series: Thomas & Friends
Part of Season: 13
Episode Number: 5
Air Date: November 7th 2009 (US/Theatrical)

January 29th 2010 (UK) September 12th 2010 (US/TV)

Writer: Mark Robertson
Previous episode: Double Trouble
Next episode: The Early Bird

"Slippy Sodor" is the fifth episode of the thirteenth season of Thomas & Friends.


When Thomas damages his old funnel, he must find a temporary replacement. However, he becomes the subject of teasing by the other engines and wishes to avoid being seen.

Why It Slips Up

  1. This is an 8-minute torture episode for Thomas as he gets teased by his friends for his "funny funnel".
  2. It also tortures Sir Topham Hatt as he crashes his car 3 times due to the bubble liquid spilling on the road.
  3. There is a clear lack of logic:
    • The bubble liquid is being transported in an open barrel on a single flatbed. This situation could have been easily prevented by simply covering the barrel or opting for road transportation.
    • In reality, if Sir Topham Hatt's car were to crash a third time, it would likely result in severe injuries for him and Mr. Bubbles, and the car would be totaled. However, they emerge unscathed with minimal or no injuries at all.
  4. Like several other episodes made in the Sharon Miller era, it uses the "three strikes" formula, the narrator repeats dialogue, and there is excessive alliteration and rhyming.
    • The term "funny funnel" is said 15 times in this episode, underscoring the apparent humor in Thomas' funnel's appearance.
  5. In this episode, Sir Topham Hatt seems to lack driving skills, as evidenced by crashing his car three times and ultimately getting covered in mud. It's unusual to see Sir Topham Hatt portrayed with such poor driving abilities.
  6. Plot Holes:
    1. The manner in which the pig ends up in Sir Topham Hatt's car following the crash remains unexplained.
    2. The spilled bubble liquid could not land on the road beneath the bridge and on the road adjacent to Thomas.
  7. Animal Cruelty: Rather than taking the pig back to its farm, Mr. Bubbles, for reasons unknown, chooses to bring the pig along with him—a mystery that we may never unravel.
  8. The bubble liquid's animation appears quite poor and unconvincing, but it's worth noting that it was among the first full CGI episodes of Thomas.
  9. James, Gordon, Henry, and Edward are all unlikeable in this episode because they tease and laugh at Thomas because of his funnel. They all say the same line: "Hello Thomas, that's a funny funnel", then proceed to laugh.
    • It is quite out of character for Edward to tease Thomas about his funnel, as he would typically not engage in such behavior and would instead sympathize with Thomas for being ridiculed.
  10. Regarding Thomas' funnel, it appears quite unconventional and not typical of a steam engine funnel. It resembles a vase adorned with unusual patterns and colors.
    • In fact, even as a spare funnel, it shouldn't even exist.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Thomas and Victor are the only likable characters in this episode.
    • Additionally, this is one of the rare episodes from this period where Thomas is not flanderized and retains his original personality.
  2. It does try and teach the moral about ignoring teasing even though it is executed poorly.


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