Slumber Scare (Aaahh!!! Real Monsters)

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Slumber Scare
A different kind of slumber party would be more tolerable.
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 13b
Air Date: December 8, 1996
Writer: Roger Eschbacher
Director: Jim Duffy
Previous episode: The Master Monster
Next episode: Oblina Without a Cause

Slumber Scare is an episode of Aaahh!!! Real Monsters from Season 3. It is the 26th and last episode of the 3rd season, and the 76th overall episode of the show.


After being rejected from joining a trading card game for being a girl, Oblina decides to throw a slumber party with Dizzle and Hairyette, without inviting any boys.

Why This Slumber Party Failed to Scare Anyone

  1. This episode has a very mean-spirited beginning. When Oblina simply asks the boys if she join can them in their card game, Krumm, being her friend, at first say yes, but Kriggle rudely denies her, saying that card games are "guy" things. The other boys decide to agree and leave her behind, even Krumm, angering her greatly.
  2. She was sympathetic in the beginning, but Oblina later on acts very smug and arrogant when introducing Ickis and Krumm to her slumber party. She rejects them from joining the girls like they did to her earlier, even throwing away a portrait of the trio, and having Dizzle and Hairyette throw the boys out of her dorm room, laughing annoyingly.
  3. Most of the episode simply consists of the boys deciding to bug the girls on their party, following them around, and selfishly stealing their attempted scares for themselves, feeling no remorse at all. This makes the episode extra mean-spirited and repetitive.
  4. After the girls scare the boys as revenge for everything they did, Krumm tearfully says, "That's not funny Oblina!" This is hypocritical of him since he and the other boys did much worse things toward the girls for mostly no reason.
  5. The boys never actually learn anything from being selfish jerks to the girls.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The episode at least gives major screen time for Hairyette, Dizzle, Kriggle, and Urbab, which is surprising since the show usually only uses them (and other monsters) as minor background characters.
  2. The brief segments with the human girls' own slumber party are entertaining, especially since they do similar activities like the monsters, share some resemblance to the girls, and even share their voice actors (Christine Cavanaugh for Oblina and Anne, Cynthia Manne for Dizzle and Patty, and Marcia Strassman for Hairyette and Betsy).
  3. The girls do get revenge on the boys for constantly stealing their scares by giving them the ultimate scare with robotic machines.
  4. Krumm and Ickis save Oblina from a security guard, and they somewhat reconcile.


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