Sonic Revelations

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Sonic Revelations
Before we had Time Attacked, we had this, and it was NOT good.
Protagonist(s): Sonic
Genre(s): Platform
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows
Release Date: 2000
Engine: Klik n' Play
Developer(s): Jamie Bailey
Successor: Sonic Time Attacked

Sonic Revelations (Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fast Revelation in the title screen) is an 2000 Sonic klik fangame made by Jamie Bailey.

Why It's Not A Revelation

  1. The controls are unresponsive, poorly programmed and stiff.
    • Destroying breakable barriers is like doing a chore: you need to crouch, then go in the left or right, and than you break it, however, you can't break the next barrier after breaking the previous barrier, which is annoying.
  2. The special stages, while impressive for the time, they are mediocre.
  3. Rushed development: The game was obviously rushed in time for the new century, which is stupid considering that Sonic fangames back at the time rarely tended to be rushed.
  4. The game has layer problems, as the HUD can sometimes be behind the background objects. It's like the game is so bad, that even the HUD wants to hide from it.
  5. The game seemed to not age well.
  6. The game overall (except the graphics) looks like a bootleg than a Sonic fangame.

Fast Qualities

  1. The graphics look beautiful for the time, especially for the year it released and the engine it was used to make. It perfectly takes adavntage of the limited 256 colour limit.

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