Spider-Man (1982 video game)

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Spider-Man (1982)
*Insert Spider-Man falling sound effect*
Genre(s): Action
Platform(s): Atari 2600
Release Date: November 1982
Developer(s): Parker Brothers
Publisher(s): Parker Brothers
Series: Spider-Man

"Is this more action than even Spider-Man can handle ??!!?!"

Spider-Man, on the commercial

Spider-Man is a vertical scrolling action game programmed by Laura Nikolich for the Atari 2600, and released in 1982 by Parker Brothers. It was both the first video game to feature Spider-Man and the first Marvel Comics based video game.


Norman Osborn has been removed of the Goblin formula and incarcerated by Spider-Man. He manages to cause a prison riot, which breaks him out, and decides to blow up the Empire State Building. Spider-Man catches wind of this, and decides to stop Goblin from using his new creation, a “Superbomb”, to blow up the building. Along the way, he must contend with the Goblin’s group of hired thugs, and, ultimately, the Goblin himself.

Why It's Not Our Spider-Man

  1. The web is so sensitive that if the web fluid bar on the bottom right will be empty, Spidey will fall and loses a life.
  2. You can't attack enemies with web. You have swing Spidey to attack the thugs and defuse bombs.
    • Even the checkered mark (Superbomb), you need to swing Spidey to reach the next level, or else, he'll fall.
  3. Funnily enough, even you're close to the window, if a thug reaches that place, Spidey'll defeat him by just staying idle.
  4. What's even worse is that if you attach to the blank (Blue sky screen), he will fall as well.
  5. You can't even defeat The Green Goblin by webbing and by making contact!
  6. The falling sound effect can get on your nerves.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The soundtrack and sound effects don't sound that bad.


WatchMojo ranked this game the 4th WORST in the Top 10 BEST & WORST Spider-Man games.[1]




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