Splatter Beach

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Splatter Beach
Splatter Beach.jpeg

Oh, and I thought it was a beach party-themed beat-em-up game.

Genre(s): Survival Horror
Beat 'Em Up
Platform(s): PC
Release: December 25, 2013
Developer(s): Ankoku Marimokan
Publisher(s): Ankoku Marimokan
Series: Splatter School
Predecessor: Splatter School
Successor: N/A

Splatter Beach is a reskin of Splatter School made by the same developer of said game as a "sequel". The game was released in late 2013, about a year and half after the first game.


Mutsuki is the member of a struggling idol group and is on a photo shoot on an island with the other members. However, just as they started wrapping up, there was a zombie outbreak on the island. Will Mutsuki be able to escape these monsters and safely return?

Why It Also Needs to Be Slaughtered

IMPORTANT NOTE: Since this game contains graphic child pornography and bestiality, no positive pointers/redeeming qualities are allowed.

  1. To get the fish out of the sea: A reskin is not a sequel. A sequel or a spiritual successor must have notable original work to be a new and separate game. This game only has a new mechanics to count as one, but it's still a reskin.
  2. The game is still being just a pretext to seeing the protagonist die all the possible ways. There are 70+ deaths if you count the other idols deaths.
  3. It still fails at being a horror game; this time, it's even worse since the game is colorful, which feels too out of place for a horror game.
  4. There are enemies who are ACTUAL CHILDREN that attempt to rape you as well as zombified wild boar enemies that do the same thing. This game can be considered as both animated child pornography AND bestiality at the exact same time. It REALLY doesn't help that one of the idols is a stereotypical loli.
  5. Compared to Splatter School, this game spikes up the difficulty and can be borderline unfair. Most of Mutsuki's kicks don't instantly kill enemies with a few exceptions and barely pushes enemies back, making it easy for zombies to swarm you since they spawn more often in this game, mix with hazards, and this will lead to unfair deaths. Air kicks are your best bet since they always push enemies back a little, giving you breathing room; getting hit in the air or during special attacks, however, stuns you, allowing enemies to rape you; since there is no way of good crowd control your likely going to die, or at the very least take a lot of unneeded damage.
  6. Traps and hazards are back and are more frequent in this game than Splatter School. Most traps are instant death outright, though some only become instant death under conditions that the game often fulfills. It doesn't help that some of the traps and hazards look like their part of the background so you can't tell until you fall into one, or when zombies stun Mutsuki and push her into said instant death traps that send Mutsuki a one-way ticket to her ancestors.
  7. The game still has janky hit detection like with the previous game. Sometimes zombies hit Mutsuki when they aren't near, and sometimes Mutsuki will hit zombies when it looks like she wasn't even close to them. This is more obvious with the bigger enemies.


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