Super Hydlide

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"I'd rather set up a Slip 'N Slide over a ruptured septic tank than play any more of it!! And that's something I've never even tried yet."

The Angry Video Game Nerd
Super Hydlide
This game wasn't a super fond space memory, that's for sure.
Genre(s): Action
Platform(s): Sega Genesis
Release Date: JP: October 6, 1989
NA: April 1990
EU: 1990
Developer(s): Technology and Entertainment Software
Publisher(s): Seismic Software
Series: Hydlide
Predecessor: Hydlide II: Shine of Darkness
Successor: Virtual Hydlide

Super Hydlide is an action role-playing game released in 1993 for the Sega Genesis. It's a western port of Hydlide 3, originally released only in Japan.


Many years after the events of Hydlide II, an explosion of flames appeared near The City of the Woods. After that, enemies were everywhere. A young man is chosen to find the source of the evil.

Why It's Not a Fond Space Memory

  1. Abysmal frame rate which, combined with the shifting background colors (due to the poorly implemented day-night cycle) and the horrible graphics can give a headache.
  2. Terrible title screen where you can barely see the title of the game due to the poor placement of the former and ugly color choice.
  3. Outdated graphics barely above the original Final Fantasy on the NES and worse than Phantasy Star II, which was released in the same year, funnily enough, this game was made for the mh:awesomegames:Sega Genesis, but the graphics make it look like a Master System game.
  4. You don't start the game with a weapon equipped by default, so when you leave the starting town you are going to be killed by monsters you can't defend yourself from. You need to buy a weapon at the store before leaving, but the game never tells you that.
  5. Speaking of the stores, the general store looks like a generic house and is often crammed away in a corner, making it unnecessarily hard to recognize.
  6. The weight system is heavily flawed: a helmet weighs more than a dagger and a club combined and a dagger weighs more than a club.
  7. There is a hunger bar in the bottom right section of the screen, and when it depletes, you instantly die, unlike most games where your health gradually decreases until you die or eat.
    • The hunger bar depletes after only two hours in-game (about two to five real-world minutes), which makes no sense and forces you to constantly hunt for food.
  8. Poor day-night cycle (see point #1) that makes the colors of the scenery suddenly shift.
  9. The instructions tell you to not kill the good monsters, but the description of the enemies makes them indistinguishable from the evil monster, which you are supposed to kill (the Japanese edition is colorized, however).
  10. Unlike most other RPG games, where you level up instantly, here you constantly need to backtrack to the nearest temple to trade the points you earned for an extra level with the priest. You don't unlock spells as you level up, either - you have to choose whether to invest your points in levels or spells. This wouldn't have been a problem if the spells were actually useful to use.
  11. Most spells are either useless, don't work properly, or it's hard to figure out when to use them. The very first spell you can obtain, Illusion, does nothing but make every person on screen behave oddly, which has no visible repercussions on the actual gameplay.
  12. Cryptic moments.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Well-composed music, just the instruments are sometimes weak.
  2. Unlike the NES version of the original Hydlide, Super Hydlide has a battery backup save feature.
  3. Hydlide 3 is decent in itself, compared to its predecessors at least, just that this port does little justice. Due to this, Super Hydlide is still liked by some people.



"What were they thinking?"
The Shit Scale
Games that are debatably bad High level of shit contamination The very high category The severe zone Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Major code red
This product belongs to the "High Level of Shit Contamination" category of the AVGN's Shit Scale.
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