Super Mario World (Genesis)

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Super Mario World (Genesis)
To be honest, if you can bear this game's front of the box art, you deserve an award.
Protagonist(s): Mario
Genre(s): Platform
Platform(s): Sega Genesis
Release Date: 1996
Developer(s): Gamtec(?)
Publisher(s): Gamtec(?)
Country: Taiwan(?)

Super Mario World, or Super Mario Bros. (the game has both title screens), is an unlicensed bootleg video game based on the Mario franchise, a hack of Squirrel King, probably developed by Gamtec, released in 1996 or the Sega Genesis. It's actually unknown who developed the game, but it might possibly be the developers behind Squirrel King, as Super Mario World was released only a year after Squirrel King came out.


The game is playable with simple platformer controls which only consist of jumping, walking, picking up and throwing crates. The player can also collect green gloves that allow them to shoot fireballs that can go through several enemies. However, these controls don't fit in an official Mario 2D platformer game, which rely on running, changeable power-ups, stomping enemies, etc.

There are two game modes, one of them being the 1-player mode and the other one where 2 players can cooperate together, one player being Mario and the other being Luigi (who is actually depicted as a recolored version of the Mario) to pass through the levels.

The player has 5 HP in disposition on the start of each level of the game. Each time they get hurt by an enemy, they will lose 1 HP. If they lose all HPs, they will die and lose a life.

The only way to defeat enemies is to either throw a crate into them, hide inside a crate and wait for the enemy to touch it, or throw a fireball into them (costs one green glove). The player cannot stomp on any enemy to defeat them, and will instead get hurt for that.

Why It's Not A Super Player

  1. It's just a reskin of another bootleg game, Squirrel King, which was actually an unlicensed port of Chip and Dale from the Nintendo Entertainment System. Barely anything has changed from the latter aside from the level design and worlds.
  2. Poor grasp of source material. Unlike in the main Mario games, the player actually has health, meaning he has to get hit several times without losing any power-up (or fall into a hole) to die. Also, the methods to kill enemies are completely different, and you actually cannot stomp on the Goombas and Koopas. Also, coins are replaced by diamonds, and the sound effects are much different from the other Mario games.
    • In addition, the sound when you get hurt sounds like a short high-pitched yelling noise, which is annoying and very weird.
  3. A rather poor collision detection which allows the player to go through ceilings by jumping through them. With levels that sometimes have ceilings on the top of the screen, you can manage to jump through them and be able to cross some level sections while passing through enemies without having to kill them and keep on moving.
  4. The screen only scrolls if you move in relation to a platform, meaning that if he is on a moving platform, the screen won't scroll. Back-tracking is also out of question horizontally and vertically, which is a huge problem, especially when you are in the third world that has sections that scroll vertically, missing a jump will mostly lead to a cheap death. You can even easily outrun the screen to the point you are not visible anymore, and can freely float without taking damage all the way to finish the level (as demonstrated by YouTuber matheusbrancobs in a TAS speedrun of the game).
  5. Very generic and weak controls which only rely to walking and jumping, defeating the purpose of speedrunning the game (however not making a TAS speedrun of it). There could have been a run button to quickly finish the game, which gets boring fast with the complicated/hard levels and gameplay where you often miss jumps to death.
  6. A bland and stupid method of attacking enemies and bosses which consist of shooting crates or fireballs into them to do so. This is also the only method to attack a boss in this game.
  7. Some of the music is recycled in later worlds, showing that this modified reskin has a very lazy feeling. All the boss battle themes including the final boss's are the exact same, and the 7th world reuses the music from previous worlds.
  8. Speaking of the final boss who is a purple elephant, it's extremely lame, as the only attacks they can do are jumping without ever going a step further from the right to left side, and shooting bubble projectiles that fall from the top that are too easy to dodge. In addition, this boss can easily be beaten if you have a plenty of fireball gloves in disposition as you can indefinitely shoot them into the boss to take away a lot of HP from them (this boss only has 12 HP and doesn't even become invincible after being hurt).
  9. Weird and poor level design on the first and second worlds, with enemies, crates and other tiles placed in completely random places on the acts' levels. In addition, all the ? blocks on all of those levels are gone, clearly because this game doesn't have the power-ups that are present in the main Mario franchise and you can obtain the game's power-ups.
  10. The game's front of the box art is completely bizarre, horrifying and cringe-inducing. It depicts Mario riding a Yoshi with Bowser's head but without any hair. Also, the font used for the game's title on the box is plain horrible and ugly, and the back of the box only consists of the game's title and screenshots.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. The OST is surprisingly really solid and catchy compared to most Genesis games' soundtracks.

External link

Squirrel King and Super Mario World on Bootleg games Wiki



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