Super Wonder Bat Bee Zee Lantern Mobile (DC Super Hero Girls)

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"Super Wonder Bat Bee Zee Lantern Mobile (DC Super Hero Girls)"
The Scrambled Eggs of Season 2
Series: DC Super Hero Girls
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 5
Air Date: June 27, 2021
Writer: Colleen Evanson
Director: Jordan Rosato
Previous episode: According to Garth
Next episode: Sirens Conch

Super Wonder Bat Bee Zee Lantern Mobile is the fifth episode of Season 2 of DC Super Hero Girls.


The Super Hero Girls decide to go together to buy their very first car, but they quickly discover that splitting a car into six directions may prove to be their most lethal enemy yet.

Why This Episode Should Lose Its License

  1. First off, this episode had extremely nonsensical and poor writing by Colleen Evanson, who was infamous for writing one of the most notorious episodes from the first season, Breaking News, which is already a red flag.
  2. The episode's title itself is nonsensical and unoriginal.
  3. It has some annoying scenes, such as the girls fighting over H.E.R.O. to the point where it could be comparable to all the students fighting over an egg in Scrambled Eggs.
    • Plus, during their argument, their yelling is obnoxious, as it can get on some people's nerves very fast, especially Zee Zatara's yelling.
  4. None of the Super Hero Girls are even the slightest bit likable in this episode, as they all get into a heated argument over something minor, like who gets to take a turn driving H.E.R.O., thus their argument caused them to accidentally destroy H.E.R.O. at the end, and it drags on for most of the episode.
    • They all vowed to share the car together and never argue with it, only to break that vow later on.
    • Barbara is really dumb in this episode, as her plans seem to make things worse rather than make things any better, and at one point she can't seem to expand the name right, as she calls H.E.R.O. a high-tech equally rationed automobile, when automobile is spelled with an A, not an O. Heck, even Karen had to point that out.
    • At one point during the argument, Kara starts laughing like a maniac, which can be seen as unsettling, as it feels more like something The Joker would do. Not Supergirl.
    • Diana at one point, claims that the oldest among them gets to be the first to drive the car, which is considered downright biased on so many levels, since she is over 317 years old.
    • Just like in Scrambled Eggs and Drama Queen, Zee starts acting more snobbish than ever, and at one point she infamously said "While it is thoughtful to apologize, it would've been more thoughtful to bring the car back on time!" Thus this lines proves how petty Zee can be.
    • Jessica is once again hypocritical in this episode, as she acts pretty violent just like she did in Breaking News, Retreat, and Crushing It.
    • During the argument, Karen suggested it should be her turn to drive, despite the fact she's not even old enough to drive a car, as she's not even 16 years old, but 14, and she doesn't even have a license, as Zee pointed out.
  5. Not to mention, most of the Super Hero Girls can actually fly, so owning a car makes it extremely pointless for them.
  6. The only main antagonists in this episode are two bank robbers, who don't really get a lot of screen time as they only appeared in the beginning and middle of the episode.
  7. Overall, just like Scrambled Eggs, this episode feels like it would be more fitting for a Teen Titans Go! episode instead of a DC Super Hero Girls episode. You can replace the Super Hero Girls with the TTG incarnations of the Teen Titans and nothing would change.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The animation and voice acting (despite the yelling during the argument scene) in this episode are still great as always.
  2. At least the Super Hero Girls apologized at the end after their car got destroyed.
    • Speaking of which, H.E.R.O. getting destroyed at the end can be considered their well-deserved karma for getting into a heated argument over a car.


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