Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 game)
Heroes in a half shell, good game!
Genre(s): Beat em up
Platform(s): Nintendo GameCube
PlayStation 2
Microsoft Windows
Release Date: PlayStation 2 & Xbox
NA: October 21, 2003
PAL: April 16, 2004
NA: October 21, 2003
PAL: April 30, 2004
Microsoft Windows
NA: October 21, 2003
PAL: April 23, 2004
Developer(s): Konami
Publisher(s): Konami
Successor: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a beat 'em up video game developed and published in 2003 by Konami, based on the 2003 TV series, it is loosely based on the first season of the 2003 animated series.

Note: This page only focus on the console versions, for the GBA version, click here.


Shortly after a group of mouser robots destroy the turtles' old home, they begin to look for a new home. Michelangelo eventually gets on Raphael's nerves, making Raphael leave to the surface. At the surface, he is confronted by Purple Dragon thugs, Casey Jones, and Dragonface. Baxter Stockman soon uses invisible foot tech ninjas to capture Raphael, and Donatello is forced to rescue him. Afterward, while Raphael and Michelangelo spar for fun, Donatello analyzes a strange crystal he found in their home, noting that they look like mutated brain cells. Raphael kicks Michelangelo into a wall, revealing a large tunnel behind it. Donatello's crystal start glowing and the turtles decide to investigate. They follow the tunnel and they are confronted by genetically mutated humans. After a few scuffles with these mutants, the turtles find that these mutants were turned into their current state by past experiments of Shredder's scientists. The crystals Donatello found are the only thing keeping these mutants alive, and cannot leave their underground home as a result. They plead the turtles to defeat Shredder, so that no more humans will suffer as they have. The turtles decide to defeat Shredder once and for all, and promise the mutants that they will come back for them if they ever find a way to reverse their condition.

Why It's A Turtles Power

  1. The gameplay here is once again very great and is extremely fun to play, since it is fast paced, had many great combos and the fighting is really fun, also this game is the very first 3D TMNT game ever made, which is also a good thing and the beat em up gameplay translate well, even if it isn't as great as Turtles in Time.
    • And while the gameplay is repetitive, the levels structures aren't the same in all the levels, giving a lot of variaty in the game too, and this is helped by the fact that each characters play differently, speaking of that...
  2. Each characters are extremely fun to play and aren't the same, since they play differently and also, most of them aren't as fast in movements or even in the combats, which make all of them being balanced and not repetitive to play at all.
    • Leonardo is a really fun character to play as since he do lot of damages and his attacks are fast, in fact him along with Michelangelo are the best characters of the game because of their combos and attacks that are fast and powerful to use.
    • Raphaël, while not as good as most characters of the game, he is still a good character to play as since his gameplay is still really fun and his combos are great too, he also deal a lot of damages, like most characters of the game.
    • Michelangelo is easily the best character of the entire game, since his attacks are extremely fast, his combos are really powerful and he also move really fast, much more than the other characters, to the point that he might be the best character to start playing the game for the first time.
    • Donatello is also a decent character to play as, since his attacks are fun to use and he also is fast and also had a long range for his attacks but howewer, there is still a bit of some problems with him (See BQ#4).
  3. The graphics are really good for a 2003 game released on 7th generation console, with the cel shading being awesome to look at, and the graphics are overall really detailled and colorful, they also would be used and improved in the sequels of this game (with the exception of Mutant Melee, that game had poor graphics compared to this).
    • The colors palette is also really well made despite being a bit satured compared to the sequels, but still, the colors are bright enough and look great, much like the colors palette of Bomberman Generation, there wouldn't be anything wrong with the colors at all.
    • The characters models are also extremely faithful to the 2003 show, since the cel shading is really well used and the characters are really well detailled, they even look like they came straight up from the show but remade in 3D so that they could have awesome characters models.
  4. The bosses in this game are quite awesome and some of the most memorable in the video games franchise, since they are either challenging or some of them are really big, such as in the Area 2, where the boss is extremely big and epic, howewer some of them can be frustrating.
    • Not to mention that they are way better than the one of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus, since in that game the bosses we're not as memorable, and also they can be considered to be even better than the ones of Mutant Nightmare for some of the peoples, but this is debatable.
    • In fact, they also are so good that they might be some of the best in the entire franchise and also some of the best from a Konami game of 2003 and even back then, this is because as said before, they are extremely memorable and fun to fight, and are very challenging in a good way, but howewer despite that, there are still some bad bosses in the game.
  5. Awesome soundtrack that is not only very fitting but also a really catchy soundtrack that is so good that you might want to rest on a level to listen to the soundtrack longer, also the soundtrack feel like it's came straight out from the show, which isn't a bad thing.
  6. While the controls are a little bit stiff, they still are really decent for a 3D beat em up game, since they are tight and responsive, and they are extremely fast, also, the platforming can be fun, despite not having that much platforming sections like Battle Nexus (The sequel of this game that is a platformer instead).
    • Also, the game is perfectly designed with the stiff controls, which make them even better and despite being stiff, it barely even feel stiff since they are extremely responsive and great for a 3D beat em up game.
    • The combat is also quite responsive and is way more responsive than Battle Nexus, since when you press an attack button, the characters will always use their attacks to defend themself, which show how well programmed this game is for the time.
  7. The level design is quite great and is definitely the best level design of the whole trilogy, while it isn't perfect, there's a lot of levels that are fun to play and some of them are decently long or challenging, the level design is also designed with the Turtles ability in mind, which make it even better.
  8. Challenging difficulty that is for the most parts well balanced and much more balanced than the sequels, but howewer the game can still be quite frustrating at times due to BQ#1 and BQ#5.
    • Plus, when you play as some of the turtles, most give different difficulty tone, such as Michelangelo where it is much easier to beat the game with him or Donatello that is the hardest to beat the game with, this could make for a great challenge too.
  9. Great hit-detection that is very responsive and doesn't mess often, but the perspective of some levels can ruin it.
  10. There's even unlockable characters in this game, which are both Splinter aand Casey Jones, which are as good as the turtles even if they are a little overpowered, but unfortunately they aren't playable in the GBA version.
  11. The length of the game is pretty long, especially if you go for 100% since the game length can go to 10 to 20 hours of gameplay if you want to do 100%, and this is also helped by the great replay values (See WIATP#14), and the 100% doesn't require to find secrets or anything, just beat the game with all the turtles, but howewer there is a problem with this (See BQ#5).
  12. Great voice acting that is extremely faithful to the series, and every actors reprised their roles here, there's even a french dub! Something that the other TMNT 2003 games lack.
  13. The game spawned 2 other sequels, which are Battle Nexus and Mutant Nightmare, even though the former isn't that great, the latter is quite a great game.
    • It did also spawned another game that is not really related to this trilogy, which is Mutant Melee (howewer that game was awful).
  14. The Game Boy Advance version of this game is just as good, if not even better than the console versions, since it feature extremely fun gameplay, tight controls and challenging difficulty just like this, and there is other improvement that will be talked about in it's own page.
  15. The game is faithful to the show, to the art style that is well represented or even the environnements, also the cutscenes are faithful due to being directly taken from the show.
  16. The game had a lot of replay values, especially if you want to do the 100%, the game also had two unlockable characters as stated before, and also there is a lot to do in the game even when you already beaten it.
  17. The special moves are very awesome to use and are some of the best in the entire franchise, not to mention that it so fun to use them.

Bad Qualities

  1. One of the main problem of this game and also probably the reason why this game didn't get good reviews back then is that when you lose all of your lifes and continues, even if you are near the end of an area, then you need to start the area all over again, this is a horrible problem that create fake difficulty and could be a main reason why you might rage quit this game.
    • Not to mention that this is because after you complete a level, you are not allowed to save before doing another level, and this is where the problem came out, thankfully the sequels fixed this, despite still receiving mixed reviews by critics.
      • This problem also made most of the zones even more frustrating considering how hard the game can be, and also it isn't helped by the fact that the lifes (or continues) are hard to find at times, and this lead to the game being harder.
  2. Unfortunately, for some reasons, the game story is the same for all the turtles, including the same levels and most of the bosses being the same, with only one change being some of the bosses, thankfully, the GBA version will improve this and had unique story for all the turtles.
    • This is also a bit of a missed oportunity, since it could have made the game even better than it's already is and having lot of replay values, but howewer it is somewhat understable since the game story mode is 2-3 hours long to beat, but still...
  3. To get to the true last boss, you need to beat the game with all your turtles, which can result in a nightmare for those who want to complete the game to 100%, and that can take 20 to 30 hours, which is made even worse with the hard difficulty of the game that can be extremely difficult for some peoples.
    • In fact, the system was so bad that this system was left out in the sequels, as there were not any true last bosses in those, and the final bosses of those games doesn't required something specific like in this game.
  4. The game suffer from a poor camera, which can make some of the levels a nightmare to get through at times, this is especially a problem in the later levels.
  5. The jump controls isn't that tight, since it is pretty stiff to use, but howewer they aren't as bad as the controls from Battle Nexus.
  6. Even if most of them are great, some of the bosses are extremely unfair and tedious to fight, due to either having overpowered attacks or even because of being nearly impossible to beat without lot of retry or save state.
    • While it is an awesome boss, the boss of Junk Yard Roar is really hard because of being really big and also because of being hard to hit without difficulty, and if you doesn't had that much energy, then you're probably screwed.
    • The final boss is the worst offender, as he horribly overpowered to the point of being nearly impossible to beat him, it isn't helped by the fact that he is extremely fast and is way faster than you, not only that but even with the most powerful turtles, it is horribly hard to beat him
      • To make everything worse, the boss does a lot of damage, and you have to play as Donnatelo to having an easier time to beat the final boss. The problem is that if you run out of life, you need to redo the whole zone where you fight him, which can go to 4 hours if you had trouble with the game hard difficulty.
  7. Sometime, the game difficulty might be extremely unbalanced due to either BQ#1 or BQ#4, and this is also not helped by the bad lifes system that is just one life for one continue, this doesn't help the difficulty problem at all.
    • This is also apparent in the boss fights, as stated before, but howewer it isn't nearly as hard as the levels themself.
    • The bad camera also make the difficulty spike worst at times, such as in some levels where it is hard to see enemies because of that, or the camera might make some of the bosses much harder than they already are.


While the game received mixed reviews by critics, the game received mixed to positive reviews by gamers and fans of the franchise, with the game being considered to be a underrated game, and is also considered to be one of the best TMNT games


  • The music of the very first level of the game was used for the menu theme in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection.
  • Splinter and Casey are unlockable playable characters. Casey is unlocked in his own story mode if player collects all makimonos in the game, while Splinter is unlocked if player completes story mode with all 4 turtles. They both also can be played as team like turtles(ex. Player 1 controls Splinter, player 2 may control Casey and vice verca).
  • Streets is the level to be played in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disc to be played with Leonardo.


  • For having the best experience of the game, choose Michelangelo, especially if you want the game to be easier to play and playthough.
  • For beating the final boss in a easier way, try to play as Donnatelo, as he has the longest range of all the characters, and use the shurikens to do more damage (this count for all turtles).





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