Telephone (The Mr. Men Show)

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Telephone (The Mr. Men Show)
Telecommunication's vastly overrated
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 10b
Air Date: September 21, 2009
Writer: Kate Boutilier
Eryk Casemiro
Previous episode: Sun and Moon
Next episode: Seashore

Telephone is an episode in the second season of The Mr. Men Show.


Why it's Vastly Overrated

  1. This episode is nothing but a boring and cruel torture episode for Mr. Quiet as if Kate Boutilier and Eyrk Casemiro hated him and wanted everyone to know.
  2. All of the Mr. Men and Little Misses in Mr. Rude and Mr. Quiet's plot (except for Mr. Quiet, Miss Bossy and Mr. Fussy) are downright unlikable as they get mad at Mr. Quiet when they think he's using his phone during the concert, when in reality, it's Mr. Rude.
  3. Once again, Mr. Fussy's concert is ruined thanks to Mr. Rude's phone.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Good animation and voice acting (In both US and UK)
  2. The Scare-O-Phone ad and Mr. Grumpy's plot are the only good segments in this episode, sadly, the former got removed in the UK.
  3. Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Fussy, Mr. Quiet, Mr. Noisy, Mr. Tickle and Little Miss Helpful are the only likable characters in this episode
  4. Unlike in Sleep, At least everybody (except for Mr. Rude) didn't leave Mr. Fussy's concert.




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