The Adventures of Little Brown Bear
The Adventures of Little Brown Bear | ||||||
It's like Little Bear, but with none of the charm and with the worst aspects of Caillou.
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Les aventures de Petit Ours Brun (The Adventures of Little Brown Bear in English) is a French short-form animated television series based on the character by Claude Lebrun and Danièle Bour. It was later dubbed into English circa 2006.
Little Brown Bear lives in the countryside with Daddy Bear and Mommy Bear. His cousin, Big Red Bear, moves in next door with her family. Thanks to his new playmate, Little Brown Bear discovers a new and exciting world.
Pourquoi c'est horrible, vraiment horrible! (Why It's Horrible, Really Horrible!)
- To start things off, the writing is awful and barely has any heart put into it. It's bland, shallow and dull.
- Also, while the voice acting is decent at best, the main character's voice however (Little Brown Bear to be exact) is annoying and sounds bratty.
- To be fair, LBB is meant to be hated in the first place, but we will give his original voice actors for at least trying at their jobs.
- Little Brown Bear’s father even sounds monotonous at times, especially in the episode, “Little Brown Bear Gets Up Early”.
- The theme song, while okay, is annoying and can easily get on your nerves.
- Not to mention that the theme song is also misleading, it explains that it's just a cute and playful show, but in reality it's a mean-spirited show. At least Caillou's theme song explained how much of a brat he is.
- The main character himself isn't any better then Caillou was in the first 3 seasons of the latter show mention. as LBB as just as bratty to an even worse extent. The worst part is that he gets away with mostly everything, making him a Karma Houdini who doesn't getting any comeuppance for his actions despite his age. The videos linked explains what his behavior is like and how he gets away with it.
- In "Little Brown Bear Argues with his Mommy", he called his mother “Horrible.” In return, she didn’t even scold his son. Beside saying he is the one being horrible. After that, Little Brown Bear threw a fit on the floor and said, “You’re so mean!” 3 times. At the end of the episode, the mom rewarded him with apple pie just because he changed his clothes despite his behavior, which was a very bad ending to the episode.
- In "Little Brown Bear Won't Share His Toys", he was a bad friend to White Bear. He refuses to share his toys, dictates him by saying which toy they're gonna play with and sees him at store and doesn’t say hello.
- In "Little Brown Bear Plays with the Cat", he cries very annoyingly over a scratch which was an accident and didn't look like it hurt and yells at cat all over an accidental scratch.
- Little Brown Bear was at his worst in the episode, "Little Brown Bear Wants a Cake", when he threw a temper tantrum over his mother not buying him a cake. Just like in the aforementioned episode "Little Brown Bear Argues with his Mommy", he even calls her horrible when she lifts him up from the ground.
- In "Little Brown Bear is in Love", he had an argument with Little Beige Bear about playing with Little Gray Bear, and after when the teacher told them to stop, he stuck his tongue out against Little Beige Bear and taunted him. THE WORST PART: SINCE LITTLE BROWN BEAR WAS SELFISH IN THE EPISODE, LITTLE GRAY BEAR WENT ON TO CHOOSE HIM AS HER KING. Which makes no sense because he was being selfish towards Little Gray Bear and Little Beige Bear after what was previously mentioned about him and Little Beige Bear arguing with each other and with Little Brown Bear himself taunting him after the teacher told them to stop fighting over a puzzle toy. Therefore, Little Beige Bear should’ve been king instead since he was a lot nicer unlike Little Brown Bear himself.
- In "Little Brown Bear Does some Painting", he fingerpaints the whole house and gets no punishment for it and ends with a cliffhanger with the narrator saying "Little brown bear gets paint everywhere, he enjoys himself without a care but mommy can only stare and look on in despair" basically he wrecked the whole house and it is saying that Momma Bear can't do a thing about it and like VP Awsome said WHAT IN THE HECK IS THIS TEACHING KIDS!?
- The animation is stiff and stilled despite it originally being traditional, and the character designs look creepy with how their eyes are drawn. The reboot isn't much better, since it being in 3D actually made the designs more unnerving.
- On a side note, the character designs in this show are actually tamer when compared to the original designs in the books and the 1988 series. The original designs feature very disjointed features that make them look more uncanny.
- There is little to no good morals in any episodes of the series.
- The show is really mean spirited, as aside from the titular character, his parents couldn't care less about their own son. One episode has his mom leaving her son in a building which could easily get him lost.
- Extremely juvenile tone without any substance to boot.
Des qualités qui ne sont pas horribles (Qualities That Aren't Horrible)
- At the very least, the voice acting is decent at best.
- The CGI reboot, while not much better, is a bit more tolerable since it teaches some good morals, the animation is more smooth and the titular character, while still a brat, is slightly better behaved.
- Most of the episodes (except for examples like "Little Brown Bear Argues with his Mommy", and "Little Brown Bear Wants a Cake") have good endings.
- The characters (except Little Brown Bear and (somewhat) Mommy Brown Bear) are likable characters, including Daddy Brown Bear, despite being unlikable in some episodes.
- There were actually times where the main character got some comeuppances.
- In "Little Brown Bear Doesn't Like Soup", he refused to eat his soup, and when Daddy Brown Bear tried putting the soup in his mouth, Little Brown Bear wouldn't let him. After a few attempts, the parents got angry, and Mommy Brown Bear told Little Brown Bear to go to his room, as if he was grounded.
- In "Little Brown Bear Plays with the Cat", Mommy Brown Bear sees that Little Brown Bear is ripping up her flowers with help from the cat, and has told the two to go into Little Brown Bear's room and play together alone.
- As stated, the character designs in the series are less creepy when compared to the books.
Réception et controverse (Reception and controversy)
Since 2024, the once-completely obscure Les Aventures de Petit Ours Brun/The Adventures of Little Brown Bear has received heavy bashing from older viewers (especially reaction YouTubers) and critics alike, due to the titular character's misbehavior throughout the show, as well as his troublemaking and whining. The ratings could get worse because the show is currently being talked badly about on YouTube, with some saying that the titular character in the show is worse than Caillou.
Currently, the show has a rating of 5.1/10 on Some even started to make grounded videos out of Little Brown Bear.
Anecdote (Trivia)
- Little Brown Bear is considered one of the most obscure cartoons of all time, as there doesn't seem to be a fanbase and only the official YouTube channel is dedicated to preserving its memory.
- The show was released in the form of four DVD compilations by Digiview Entertainment in America—Little Brown Bear Gets Up Early, Little Brown Bear Makes a Friend, Little Brown Bear Goes Fishing and Little Brown Bear Loves Picnics. The DVDs have long since gone out of print.
- Not a lot of people are aware that the show is not only based on a series of books, but also the second adaptation of the series; before the 2003 show, there was a 1988 adaptation with Limited Animation.