The Flavour of Science (George of the Jungle, 2007)

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The Flavour of Science
A very bad taste in the mouth indeed."
Part of Season: 2
Episode Number: 21b
Air Date: January 22, 2017
Writer: Richard Clark
Previous episode: Excalibanana
Next episode: The George Who Would Be King

The Flavour of Science is the 21st episode of the second season of George of the Jungle (2007).


After eating some crunch bugs, Magnolia starts to become more intelligent, but after she eats too many, she starts turning into a crunch bug.

Why It's Not Flavorful

  1. To get the elephant out of the room, this episode is very disgusting and disturbing, since it revolves around Magnolia (previously known as Ursula in the first season) eating crunch bugs so she can become more smarter, but she starts turning into a crunch bug.
  2. Magnolia's crunch bug transformation is absolutely disturbing and quite disgusting for a kids’ show.
  3. Magnolia's butt grows big in one scene when her crunch bug transformation starts to set in, we’re not kidding.
  4. Magnolia is at her worst on this episode, where she eats the crunch bug queen and later steals and eats more crunch bugs and doesn’t apologize for eating them.
  5. Ursula (previously known as Magnolia in the first season) is also unlikable since she doesn’t care about Magnolia turning into a crunch bug.
  6. George feels pretty useless on this episode and doesn’t do that much.
  7. Some mean-spirited jokes such as Magnolia having an imagination spot where she wins an award about losing and the judges taunt her and another scene where Magnolia accidentally kills a lizard with a formula.
  8. There's a disturbing scene where a monkey and tiger mate offscreen and have a baby, which feels EXTREMELY out of place for a kids' cartoon.
  9. Awful and bizarre ending: Magnolia turns into a slug after drinking the potion that tries to turn her back to normal and gets taken by a group of slugs and gets accepted as the queen of slugs.
  10. This episode feels more like a George of the Jungle trollfic rather than an actual episode.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The episode does try to teach younger viewers that they should be careful of and avoid what they eat, even though they handled it poorly.
  2. George (despite barely serving a purpose to this episode) and Ape are likable on this episode.
  3. Some funny moments such as George getting attacked by lemurs offscreen and Ape beating up Magnolia as a crunch bag with a newspaper.


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