The Golden Rhino (The Smurfs, 1981)

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The Golden Rhino (The Smurfs, 1981)
The title says golden, but this episode is not.
Series: The Smurfs (1981)
Part of Season: 9
Episode Number: 23
Air Date: December 2, 1989
Writer: Glenn Leopold
Sean Catherine Derek
Reed Robbins
Previous episode: "Brainy's Beastly Boo-Boo" (Broadcast)
"Painter's Eggcellent Adventure" (Production)
Next episode: "Hearts 'n' Smurfs
Brainy's Beastly Boo-Boo

"The Golden Rhino" is the twenty-third episode in Season 9 of The Smurfs. It aired on November 18, 1989 on NBC.


Handy and Clumsy help a young boy rescue his golden horned rhino.

Why it Sucks

  1. First off, this episode is infamous for forgetting the whole point that one of the Smurfs' fates is being turned into gold.
  2. Brainy rudely interrupts Papa Smurf in the beginning, announcing that they were lost, tired and hungry. Papa covered Brainy's mouth and continued the conversation with the boy.
  3. Poor and unfunny attempts at humor, including predictable jokes and one-liners.
    • "Now, I know what they mean by "silence is golden"." is one of the most infamous lines in the episode.
  4. Baby, Sassette and Snappy are absent in this episode with no explanation.
  5. Like many other episodes of Season 9, some of the story editors in the title card are left uncredited.
  6. Animation Error: As the Smurfs wish Prince Pricari good luck, Smoogle's waving arm is blue.
  7. A bad ending where Brainy is rescued but talks on and on, making Grandpa Smurf regret they ever released Brainy (making it mean spirited).

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Good animation and voice acting.
  2. Brainy is surprisingly likable in this episode.


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