The Incredible Four (Oggy and the Cockroaches)

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"The Incredible Four"
Fantastic Four but without that Fantasticness and the logic.
Series: Oggy and the Cockroaches
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: Overall: 328
Season: 59
Air Date: May 30, 2018
Writer: Olivier Jean-Marie
Previous episode: The Big Move
Next episode: Metalman

The Incredible Four is the 59th episode of season 5 and the 328th episode overall of Oggy and the Cockroaches. It takes place during the Superhero Future.


Dee Dee makes a false move with the micro-wave. Oggy, Jack, Olivia and Bob find themselves endowed with super powers! Elastic-Cat, Flame-Cat, Invisible Cat, and Bob-Thing... Can the cockroaches compete with adversaries like this?

Why It's Far from Incredible

  1. The biggest problem with this episode is that it uses copyrighted characters from the Fantastic Four series (Elastic-Cat, Flame-Cat, Invisible Cat, and Bob-Thing). Keep in mind that this episode was grouped with 2 other superhero episodes, and Metalman used a copyrighted character from Marvel, which is Iron Man. The Z-Man to the Rescue one also uses copyrighted characters from the X-Man series. This episode also feels rather like a Teen Titans rip-off.
  2. The logic in this episode doesn't make any sense. How can a microwave even give superpowers?! This dosen't happen in real life. Might be because of cartoon logic.
  3. Bad moral: Get revenge and attack your friends because they are better than you.
  4. Like "Z-Men to the Rescue," it is just a generic "defeat the monster and save the day" episode.
  5. Despite being heroes, they don't even do superhero acts for the first half. They just hang around their house all day, order pizza, and upset the cockroaches (we understand that Oggy wants to swat the roaches but here it goes way too far). It also doesn't have much action scenes.
  6. Despite being spechless, this episode also defeats the purpose of the show when Oggy says pizza to Dee Dee. The show is NOT meant to use English at all and only meant to be speechless. The episode's writers misunderstand the purpose of the show and need to watch the entire series so badly to even know.
  7. The cockroaches powers are just as bad, as Dee-Dee's powers is just a Pac-Man rip-off. Pac-Man is even copyright and you can get sued by Bandai Namco for that.
  8. Half-bad ending: The nonsensical logic is used again when the incredible four loses their powers but how did everyone else in the city get powers. This doesn't make any sense at all! Heck, even Teen Titans Go! has slightly better logic than this. Despite the characters being happy and having fun again, everything comes back to normal, making the entire episode pointless.
  9. Overall, this episode is considered the worst episode of season 5 as well as the entire series (although not as bad as "7 Minutes & Counting" but still).

Incredible Qualities

  1. Like "Z-Men to the Rescue," the concept on Oggy, Jack, Olivia, and Bob being superheroes is great but was poorly executed.
  2. Good animation and music, as usual.
  3. The opening is okay.
  4. Since it is an Oggy and the Cockroaches episode, there are few funny moments such as when Oggy's nose got longer, despite most of the humor being off.
  5. Half-decent ending: Oggy, Jack, Bob, and Olivia have fun and cook some food.


  • As mentioned in Why It's Far from Incredible #6, this is the first episode where a character speaks a word, Oggy says, Pizza! when he gives one to Dee Dee.

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