The Launch of Canal Futura

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9, Educação, 8, Ética, 7, Pluralismo, 6, Interatividade, 5, Mobilização, 4, Criatividade, 3, Espírito Empreendedor, 2, Espírito Comunitário, 1, Conhecimento. (9, Education, 8, Ethics, 7, Pluralism, 6, Interactivity, 5, Mobilization, 4, Creativity, 3, Entrepreneurial Spirit, 2, Community Spirit, 1, Knowledge.)

On September 22, 1997, Canal Futura was launched, being the first educational channel by pay TV of Brazil. In its beginnings, the channel had the support of 14 groups such as Fundação Bradesco, Fundação Odebrecht, Itaú, Grupo Votorantim, FIESP, FIRJAN, CNI, SEST/SENAT, Sebrae, Instituto Aryton Senna, Rede Globo (Futura's sister channel), Grupo RBS, CNN and Sadia. Before the channel's launch, it was shown about the channel and its programming and also the aforementioned 14 groups that supported the channel. Finally, a 9 second countdown begins and Lillian Fernandes inaugurates Canal Futura with a special on education from the program Globo Repórter from Globo, chosen by the public in a Datafolha survey about the best educational program on Brazilian TV.



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