The Magnifying Mixture (The Smurfs, 1981)

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The Magnifying Mixture (The Smurfs, 1981)
Series: The Smurfs (1981)
Part of Season: 1
Episode Number: 26
Air Date: July 11, 1981
Previous episode: "The Fountain Of Smurf"
Next episode: "Foul Weather Smurf"

"The Magnifying Mixture" is a season 1 episode from The Smurfs cartoon.


Brainy accidentally enlarges Hefty with a magic formula, making him a giant Smurf.

Why It Rocks

  1. The concept of Hefty being giant and going on for capturing Gargamel is a unique and very good idea, and this episode execute this concept very well, even if Hefty is slightly out of character.
  2. The scene where Hefty does capture Gargamel is simply awesome and easily the best part of the episode, especially that it somewhat serve as comeuppance for Gargamel after trying to capture the smurfs for so long.
  3. Most of the Smurfs are likable, even Brainy (although he was the reason why Hefty got giant in the first place).
  4. The plot is also interesting despite not having much dark elements, as it is about a giant Smurf, in other word it could serve as an adaptation from The Giant Smurf comic, which was also good.
  5. Some funny moments, such as when Brainy accidently fall and throw the potion by accident on Hefty, making him giant, or even the scene where Hefty capture Gargamel, which could be seen as funny for some peoples.
  6. This episode also is the first time where Azrael turn against Gargamel when he got bigger, which is surprisingly awesome to see because of how poorly Gargamel treated Azrael in many episodes.
  7. Half-Decent Ending: Gargamel got commeuppance for his actions when Azrael did chase him, and Hefty finally got his normal size.

Bad Qualities

  1. Brainy, while somewhat likable, he still the one that caused Hefty to get bigger, and because of this, he is blamed for little to no reasons.
  2. Hefty was also somewhat of an idiot for getting Gargamel to the village because after that Gargamel captured Hefty in the big bag, he did capture the other Smurfs.
  3. Half-Bad Ending: While everything was finally resolved, Brainy had to clean up the entire village even if the damages wasn't made by him but rather Hefty, and when he ask if Papa could make a potion to clean up the village fast, every other smurfs do chase him and Papa along with Smurfette does watch without doing anything.


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