The Mug (Teen Titans Go!)

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The Mug (Teen Titans Go!)
A situation comedy? Where's the comedy, then?
Series: Teen Titans Go!
Part of Season: 6
Episode Number: 50
Air Date: April 17, 2021
Writer: Jeff Prezenkowski
Director: Peter Rida
Previous episode: Bumgorf
Next episode: Hafo Safo

"The Mug" is the 50th episode of the sixth season of Teen Titans Go!, and the 313th overall episode of the series.


Robin dreams of receiving a #1 Dad mug, so Raven magically turns them into a "sitcom" family.

Why It Doesn't Deserve a #1 Dad Mug

  1. First of all, this is an 11-minute long harsh Robin torture episode, as the Titans "sitcom" family treats him as a punching bag.
  2. The idea of an episode about Robin who wants get a #1 Mug by being a dad is ridiculous. This can teach children that work is all about rewards and nothing else.
  3. Robin does a horrible job as Dad, because he caused Beast Boy to crash, flooded the entire house and almost killed Cyborg Grandma by making monster lasagna.
  4. The Dad Thompson is actually a monster, who wants to eat his entire family.
    • This is extremely bizarre and out of place in a parody of sitcoms.
  5. This episode is an insulting jab at family life sitcoms, because the Titans are portrayed as ungrateful and obnoxious jerks.
    • Grandma Cyborg is the most unlikeable representation of a Mother-in-Law, because she criticizes Dad Robin for everything and even punched Robin for sick kicks.
    • Raven as Mom is obnoxiously portrayed as an all-complaining and nagging wife which obviously makes foul for Robin.
  6. Starfire and Beast Boy as Children serve no other purpose aside from cracking unfunny jokes and being fouls towards Dad Robin.
  7. The Titans family don't get punished for their actions.
  8. Horrible Ending: The rest of the Titans family disowns Dad Robin for Aqualad, leaving him with Granny Cyborg who breaks his mug, much to Robin's disappointment.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. Beast Boy teaching Gramma how to use the tablet and e-mail is neat.
  2. Dad Robin saves his family from the Thompsons with his mug, and learns that it's important to try your best as a father.


It currently holds a 5.3 rating on IMDb.


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