The Nobody (The Amazing World of Gumball)

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The Nobody
There must be a reason nobody likes this episode. Oh wait, there are plenty of reasons.
Series: The Amazing World of Gumball
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 36
Air Date: March 5, 2015
Previous episode: The Countdown
Next episode: The Downer

The Nobody is the 36th Episode of season 3 of The Amazing World of Gumball.


When things go missing in the house, Gumball and Darwin search for the culprit.

Why its a Nobody

  1. This is a Gumball and Darwin torture episode.
  2. The looks on the Wattersons faces is pure nightmare fuel.
  3. Being told not to leave the room under any circumstances is just cruel.
  4. The Wattersons also act irresponsible by not leaving the duo with a babysitter.
  5. The Donut Cop tells a joke that belongs in a Youtube Short or TikTok video about them being in the house when Gumball is clearly panicking is just awful.
  6. The Wattersons don’t get punished for wrongly suspecting the duo.
  7. Rob's new design is almost seizure inducing.
  8. Rob doesn’t get punished for framing the duo or intruding in their house.
  9. Horrible Ending: Gumball and Darwin aren’t threatened by Rob deciding to become a villain. This is not a good lesson even if some series does have villains.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. The duo do prove competent in discovering that there’s an intruder.
  2. Gumball and Darwin are the only likable characters.


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