Throw It Away (Family Guy)

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"Throw It Away"
Overthrowing everything and the entire family in a fussy coup d'etat does not kindle joy.
Series: Family Guy
Part of Season: 17
Episode Number: 18
Air Date: April 28, 2019
Writer: Cherry Chevapravatdumrong
Director: Brian Iles
Previous episode: Island Adventure
Next episode: Girl, Internetted

Throw It Away is the eighteenth episode of the seventeenth season of Family Guy. In this episode, the family tries to stop hoarding.


After Lois reads a new book on the joys of decluttering, she challenges the rest of the Griffins to throw anything out of the house that does not spark joy. While all starts out well, Lois soon takes the decluttering to a surprising extreme.

Why It Doesn't Kindle Joy

  1. It's a nonstop, 22-minute torture episode for the Griffin family (sans Lois).
  2. Lois is at her absolute worst in this episode alongside "You Can't Handle the Booth!"; she becomes so obsessed with the idea of the book that she ends up kicking everything and her entire family, including Stewie, a baby, out of the house for "cluttering up the house".
  3. The talk show scene with the audience going insane is way too random, even for Family Guy standards.
    • Not helping that is a joke that happens to be explained before it was setup.
  4. Lois' voice has been notoriously annoying and high-pitched in the newer seasons, however this episode seems to have taken that up quite a few notches, like when she says Clutter a lot.
  5. Some of the jokes, as usual with Modern Family Guy, are explained before/after they happen, like the aforementioned scene where the audience going insane.
  6. The sequence of Peter going "that your parents pay for..." for about 45 seconds.

Redeeming Qualities

  1. There are some funny moments in this episode, such as:
    • Peter's line "Surfin' Bird... finds a way" was funny.
    • The scene where Peter tries to see if Woody and Buzz from Toy Story are alive.
    • Meg using a voodoo doll on Lois was funny, and it ended up giving Lois her comeuppance.
    • The scene where Lois pulls Stewie's time machine down the stairs and causes the family to travel through time.
    • Peter getting caught watching "corn".
    • "I cluttered my pants. It did not kindle joy."
    • "You made me 1930s work whistle angry."
    • Peter disrupting Quagmire getting him to read Clifford to him.
  2. Peter, Meg, Chris, Brian, Stewie, and Quagmire are still likable characters, and Peter, Brian, and Quagmire aren’t flanderized like they usually are.
  3. Lois admitting she went overboard in the end is satisfying.


"Throw It Away" has a rating of 6.6/10 on IMDb; however, it's considered to be one of the more annoying episodes by some viewers.


  • Histeria! did a joke on Taft much like this episode.





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