Unrestrainable Trainable (Drawn Together)

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Unrestrainable Trainable (Drawn Together)
Come on Drawn Together, you’re better than this.
Part of Season: 3
Episode Number: 4
Air Date: October 25, 2006
Writer: Elijah Aron
Previous episode: Spelling Applebee's
Next episode: N.R.A.y RAY

Unrestrainable Trainable is the 26th episode of Drawn Together and the fourth episode from season 3, it aired October 25, 2006.


Captain Hero's "special" son, mothered by his sister, attacks the city. Clara keeps Wooldoor sick to receive attention for taking care of him, although Foxxy is onto her.

Why It Sucks

  1. Princess Clara was at her worst on this episode just because she wants to keep Wooldoor injured and sick just so she can earn attention from the other housemates.
  2. The plot involving Captain Hero taking care of his son makes fun of the mentally challenged.
  3. Wooldoor Sockbat is a major punching bag on this episode because he keeps getting tortured by Clara. Sure the show is mean-spirited, but it wasn’t this mean.
  4. This episode promotes incest due to Captain Hero and his sister having to take care of their mentally impaired child and they have sex at the end and have another baby.
  5. Some of the imagery is kinda disturbing on this episode such as Captain Hero, his sister, and son having extra Tyrannosaurus rex arms on their chests, the mummified bears with shark heads, and Wooldoor eating glass.
  6. Captain Hero's son's voice is very annoying to listen to.
  7. Near the end of the episode after Captain Hero's son deactivates a nuclear bomb that looks like Winnie the Pooh, everyone on Earth except Captain Hero, his sister, and their child all die, which makes no sense!
  8. Near the beginning of the episode, Clara mistakes Wooldoor for a Jew and pushes him into the pool to have him baptized which is offensive.
  9. On a flashback, Captain Hero kills a mentally challenged child.
  10. There was animal abuse during the scene where Captain Hero fights his son at the petting zoo.

The Only Redeeming Quality

  1. Clara did apologize for her actions to Wooldoor for feeding him drain cleaner and having him held hostage when the drain was clogged and she was trying to fix it, though sadly she tries to injure Wooldoor again near the end of the episode.


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