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Digiblast (officially known as "Digiblast - Personal Media Center", stylized "digiBLAST personal media center") is a seventh generation portable console developed by three separate studios: Nikko Europe B.V., Grey Innovation and Vivid Imaginations. It was able to reproduce mp3 audio files uploaded through an add on which had to be plugged on the pc, to reproduce cartoon episodes and, obviously, to be played with a list of 21 titles made for. It was first released on december 2005, way then to be discontinued in 2008, miserably selling more of 100.000 units.

Why is a Blast (In a Negative sense)

  1. The memory support of the console consists in cheap catridges instead of thin disks (like PSP) or disk-catridges (the recent released Nintendo DS, which this console was supposed to compete), making the console more than obsolete for its time.
    • The same catridges are made out of a really breakenable plastic, and the dust can easily enter and damage all the system due to how the slot

is unecessary big. To be fair, Game Boy Advance, which was released 4 years before this, had advanced (no pun) catridges which required less manutention and were more durable.

      • Speaking of dust problems, despite the large slot, they are really difficult to be cleaned in the inner without deceasing the circuits.
  1. The battery life was usually around 1-2 hours.