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Rocky and Bullwinkle (2008)

Why It Sucks

  1. This game is pretty much a mediocre WarioWare knockoff.
  2. The game tries to emulate the original Rocky and Bullwinkle TV series via using 2D animations that run at 60fps. However, the execution makes it to where it feels like a Flash game that got ported to the Xbox 360.
  3. Very little variety, as the games just boil down to pressing buttons, mashing the shoulder buttons, or tilting the L-stick in circles.
  4. Many of the minigames were outright frustrating at best or either too mediocre at best;
    • Moon Moose is the most infamous example, where you have to dodge through asteroids and collect cakes. However, since the ship's hitbox is twice as wide and due to the 3-lane structure, the asteroids can line themselves up in such a way where failing it suddenly becomes an inevitability.
    • Big Red Button is pretty much the worst minigame, as all you do is virtually nothing but wait for the timer to run out. However, the game will also fool you into pressing A via a "A" button prompt, which causes the bomb to go off and you fail the minigame via doing so.
    • Pottsylvania Passport Check is cryptic at best, as you have to answer whether or not the character's identity matches. However, this can be at first confusing at times because its hard to tell if they're right or not, as you have to line them up with the speech bubble which is only indicated in character images, and if you get it wrong, Boris Badenov ends up in prison and you have to try the game again. This is a Boss Game where if you fail, you have to do it again.

Waifu Impact

Why It Sucks

  1. The game's title and logo implies it is a mockbuster of Genshin Impact, but it has very little to do with the game. Instead, its basically a knockoff of Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash with the tenacity of a bootleg.
  2. The 3D models for the women in bikinis look like they're made with VRoid Studio. In fact, all of the women look the exact same except with different hairstyles and faces.
  3. The images you can collect, aside from drawings, are just stills of 3D models in various poses.
  4. The graphics are uncanny and feel like an unfinished prototype, or at best, a fake game that would appear on a live-action sitcom.
  5. Little to no introduction on how to play the game.

Upcoming Pages

  1. Smash N Survive
  2. Seven Knights: Time Wanderer
  3. The Legend of Korra (2014)