User:Hoppingicon/sandbox/Oneirophobe's Nightmare (Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two)

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"Hoppingicon/sandbox/Oneirophobe's Nightmare (Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two)"
Let's put our differences aside and get to know each other!
Series: Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two
Part of Season: 5
Episode Number: 10
Air Date: March 23, 2024
Writer: Sam Thornburry
Director: Cary Huang, Michael Huang, Sam Thornburry
Previous episode: Outbreak At Stake
Next episode: Lots of Mud

Oneirophobe's Nightmare is the tenth episode of Battle for Dream Island: The Power of Two. It released on March 23, 2024.


The teams are assigned to go into one member's nightmare and turn it into a dream.

Why it rocks

  1. With Two realizing the contestants were having feuds with each other due to the outbreak in the previous episode, having them make amends by entering a teammate's nightmare to fix it is a great challenge idea. Not only does it end the feuds, but new friendships are created as the teams learn more about each other.
  2. Many characters are at their absolute BEST in this episode, and even saves certain ones from flanderization, most notably Two, Book, Price Tag, Pillow, Winner, Clock, Black Hole, Fanny, and Tree. Yellow Face is also more likeable in this episode as he is not as jerkish.
    • We also see Fanny with her mouth restored and Tree as his normal smaller self in the dream.
  3. Winner finally reveals why they are the way they are. They never wanted to be famous, they just wanted to have fun and tour around with their best friend Loser. But because Loser loved the fame and attention, he started growing more attached to it and eventually separated from Winner to hit the mainstream solo. This hurt Winner badly, realizing they've lost their best friend to popularity.
  4. Winner and Clock finally make up in this episode after 3 episodes of Clock working for Four and X until this happens.
  5. Black Hole's nightmare reveals why he prevents death. It's because he's a literal black hole and can consume the whole entire universe if he wanted to, but just wants to be a normal individual and not worry about that type of stuff, which is why he would beat himself up a lot when he would accidentally suck up and kill another contestant. Fanny was also great for convincing him that it's ok to make mistakes (remember, this is Battle for Dream Island, anyone can get recovered at any possible time) and focus on the life part. Black Hole agrees, ending his nightmare.
  6. After they finish the challenge, Death P.A.C.T. Again goes to the now-enlarged Tree in the Goiky Canal (as he was killed, and his body was reused and grown by Teardrop) to slowly chop him down and recover him back to his normal small self.
  7. Pillow is a lot more likeable in this episode as she does not have any motivations to kill anyone for no reason, other than Bomby in the dream but it was only a dream.
  8. Book's nightmare alludes to the early BFB animation style, a throwback to many fans.
  9. Book's nightmare reveals that she is still very upset and regretful of her actions in BFB, and her nightmare is being forgotten by her new teammates while being trapped in a jawbreaker, just like how Taco was this way while they were on team "BLEH" together.. Unfortunately, it does resort to that as it takes Just Not the whole challenge to find out she's trapped in the jawbreaker. When Two informs Just Not they lost and offer to teleport them out, they deny it, wanting to finish the challenge to figure out Book's nightmare. Price Tag then is the one picked to go comfort Book, and while neglectful about it, they start to warm up and develop a new friendship with her, complimenting her that the Book they knew was merely outgoing and fun, as they are new to the game themselves. Price Tag then digs deeper into their own interests.
  10. There are no weird or annoying gags in this episode.

Bad qualities

  1. Are You OK's dream was the least memorable and it's only about saving Pen from debt, it doesn't really have any character development. Golf Ball would arguably be a better pick for having the nightmare due to her jerky nature. When the nightmare was resolved and Pen was funded the money, he went into even more debt right after.
  2. Depending on your view, The Strongest Team on Earth had an unfair disadvantage.
  3. Ice Cube and Donut do not regain their lost limbs in the dreams, despite Fanny getting her mouth back and Tree going back to his smaller form.