Something ends, something begins

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I no longer have much time or interest to even passively observe NQP, and I know CJ strongly toyed with the idea of resigning several times and hasn't done anything management related in some time, popularity aside. That leaves us with effectively no bureaucrats.

What I want to do is hand off the wiki. For better or worse keeping a hand on things does not interest me anymore. Here's what I'm looking for as replacement (can be more than one):

  • Someone with actual ideas, drive and willingness to do something with the wiki, ie, will not sit on their title.
  • Someone willing to manage the staff, the discord server, and work on improvements of the rules.
  • Someone willing to work with both fellow admins and other bureaucrats to get things done, as well as work with Original Authority to deal with technical/platform related problems if there is a need.

If you believe you fit these categories you can present yourself below regardless of your current role if you are a user in good standing. This will follow with an election where I present each viable candidate. Successful candidates will then replace the current bureaucrats. Viable means you have some background on the wiki, are in good standing and aren't someone I veto as clearly inappropriate for the role, this is not a role for any random user to try and pick up: doing it poorly can risk the survival of the wiki in the future and I'd rather not see it die immediately after I let go. But let go I must sooner or later.


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